Agenda item

Core Strategy Selective Review (Publication Draft)

To consider the report of the Director of City Development which seeks Members recommendation to Executive Board on the proposed Publication Draft of the Core Strategy Selective Review. The report reflects upon comments made by the Panel at the meeting held 19th December 2017 and presents further revisions to the proposed policies of the Core Strategy Selective Review based on those comments. The Panel is requested to recommend that Executive Board approve the formal Publication of these Policies for six weeks of public consultation.


(Copy attached)



Further to minute 46 of the Development Plan Panel meeting held 19th December 2017, the Panel considered the report of the Director of City Development on further revisions to the proposed policies of the Core Strategy Selective Review (CSSR) as requested at the December meeting.


The report set out the background to the preparation of the CSSR and addressed the discussions held at the December meeting when the Panel agreed that further work and redrafting in a number of targeted areas was necessary. The report sought consideration and approval of the revisions for public consultation and included the following documents:

Appendix 1 – Proposed Publication Draft Policies with Revisions;

Appendix 2 – Report to Development Plan Panel of 19th December 2017


Additionally, an updated Policy H5: Review of Affordable Housing Policy was tabled at the meeting containing further revisions proposed to better reflect previous discussions.


The Panel considered each of the revised issues addressed in the report; cross referencing with Appendix 1. The Group Manager, Policy and Plans presented the following key points:


  Policy H5: Review of Affordable Housing Policy

·  The Policy now indicated that a review of the targets is to be anticipated throughout the lifespan of the Core Strategy, in response to Government guidance and in order to remain responsive to changes in the economy and housing markets.

·  Affordable Housing targets were now expressed as a minimum and evidence supported the proposed increase in the targets for the City Centre and Inner areas to 7% (from 5%)

·  The narrative now clarified that calculation of any Commuted Sums would relate to market prices in the relevant locality


 (Councillors C Gruen and Venner joined the meeting at this point)


Officers confirmed that having considered Members previous comments, no changes were proposed to the HMCA boundaries. However, Central Government would revise Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) guidance shortly and it was intended that both these matters would be reviewed at the same time.


Dale Robinson of GVA consultants provided the Panel with an overview of the evidence and methodology used to support the proposed revised Affordable Housing target for the City Centre and Inner areas and assured the Panel that this level of provision could be sustained without a negative impact on other Policy and standards requirements.


Members welcomed the revisions proposed to the Policy and made the following comments:

·  A review of the boundaries should be mindful of natural and financial boundaries, having regard to the overlap of CIL districts, HMCA’s and Affordable Housing Zone boundaries

·  The timeframe for implementation of the revised Affordable Housing targets and the weight which could be afforded the revised targets during the progression of the Site Allocations Plan to adoption

·  The role of the independent District Valuer in assessment of scheme viability and presentation of their reports at Panel meetings. This matter was noted as an issue for discussion at future a workshop

·  The expectation for applications to be policy compliant; specifically for the offer of Affordable Housing; and if none is offered then an application would need to evidence exceptional reasons to support non-compliance

·  Recognised the need to continue to work closely with LCC Housing Growth Team to utilise commuted sums to develop new Affordable Housing.


In response to comments regarding the narrative of Policy H5 – specifically the use of “robustly justified” -  the Chief Planning Officer provided the Panel with assurance that this terminology will allow the use of commuted sums to respond to locality needs. In respect of “minimum provision” it was agreed that additional text be included along the following lines:

a)  “The minimum targets set out in Policy H5 are likely to be reviewed in any event in the future” - to reflect Government guidance to review Local Plans every 5 years.

b)  “Where developments are expected to take more than 5 years to complete, the Council will expect permitted schemes to make provision for a review of the schemes’ viability to determine whether the level of Affordable Housing being provided across the scheme as a whole is appropriate.” – to address schemes which are likely to take more than 5 years to complete.


(Councillor R J Lewis joined the meeting at this point)


Additionally, the Panel raised the issue of wanting to see the outcome of Commuted Sum spending and the schemes delivered. Noting that Executive Board had previously agreed investment of Commuted Sums in 5 wards; the Chair expressed the view that if Commuted Sums were accepted; Members needed to be better informed of the outcome of the spend, and had an expectation for LCC to expedite spending of the money. As such, the narrative could be reworded to prioritise the 5 ward area and encourage prompt implementation. It was noted that provision of follow-up information and involvement of local ward councillors in use of monies was beginning to take place but Members urged this happen more regularly and with the involvement of Housing Growth Team. This matter was identified as an issue for discussion at a future workshop meeting and a suggestion to present the Annual Monitoring Report to Joint Plans Panel was noted. Members were also encouraged to provide information on possible locations for development of affordable housing within their wards to relevant officers, firstly to ensure the SHLAA is up to date and secondly to inform future decision making for the Housing Growth Team.


Policy H9 Space standards

The Panel noted and welcomed the revised wording to the Policy and additionally noted a comment made highlighting the need to also be mindful of the requirements of homeworkers.


The Chief Planning Officer briefly outlined discussions held with the LCC Environmental Protection Team seeking to ensure the Policy had regard to environmental health standards in relation to Houses in Multiple Occupation and identified the positive role the proposed Supplementary Planning Document would have is achieving policy compliance.



  i.  That, having considered and commented upon the Policies and supporting paragraphs of the Core Strategy Selective Review as set out in Appendix 1 (and the supplementary pack) which included revisions requested at the Development Plan Panel meeting of 19th December 2017, the Panel welcomed the revisions and supported the inclusion of the revised Policies (and the additional text identified at the meeting) within the Core Strategy Selective Review for progress to Executive Board;

  ii.  To recommend to Executive Board that it approves for public consultation the Publication Draft of new and revised Policies and supporting paragraphs of the Core Strategy Selective Review as set out in Appendix 1 (and the supplementary pack), subject to the further changes agreed at the Panel meeting;

  iii.  To recommend to Executive Board that it approves the supporting documents, including Sustainability Appraisal and other background evidence.


Supporting documents: