Agenda item


To receive the report of the Chief Planning Officer on an outline application for residential development up to 72 units at former Civil Service Sports Association Ground, Newton Road, Potternewton, LS7.


(Report attached)




The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an outline application with all matters reserved except for means of access to the site, for residential re-development consisting of up to 72 units at the former Civil Service Sports Association Ground, Newton Road, Potternewton, Leeds.


Members had visited the site prior to the meeting held in July 2017.  Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  Access to the site would be at a central point off Newton Road.

·  Members had previously requested that the applicant gave consideration to include more affordable housing on the site.  This revised proposal had an increase in the number of dwellings from 57 to 72 which would allow an increase in affordable housing units from 2 to 5.

·  Due to the increased number of dwellings there would be a loss of open space as part of the development.  There would be an agreement for a £40,000 payment in lieu of on-site greenspace provision and an agreement for maintenance of landscaped areas.

·  Report of the District Valuer in relation to viability of the scheme.

·  There had been consultation with Ward Members.  Public consultation was ongoing.

·  Additional representations had been received.  These included the following:

o  Agreement with the increase of affordable housing but this should not be at the loss of open space.

o  Impact on wildlife.

o  Highways safety issues.

o  Flooding issues.


Two local residents addressed the Panel with objections and concerns to the application.  These included the following:


·  The proposed access to the site would cause traffic problems.  It would be more suitable to access the site from Brandon Way.

·  There was not sufficient car parking space on the site.

·  There was a history of flooding at the site and surrounding area but there had not been any concerns of this detailed in the report.  Further development would increase the risk of flooding.

·  There were already problems with parking on Newton Road and highways problems with the entrance to Brackenedge School.


In response to the concerns regarding flooding, it was reported that this would be addressed at a future stage of the planning application where it was expected that a full and detailed drainage scheme for the site would be submitted.


The applicant’s representative addressed the Panel.  The following was highlighted:


·  Access was not possible from Brandon Way as there was a strip of privately owned land between the highway and the site.

·  The proposed access point had been approved by highways officers.

·  A full tree survey had been carried out and planting scheme agreed.

·  Flooding – there would be further discussion with the Environment Agency, Highways and Yorkshire Water at a later stage of the application.

·  The development would provide community benefits through a Section 106 agreement and Community Infrastructure Levy.


In response to questions and comments from Members, the following was discussed:


·  Members supported the inclusion of more affordable housing but there was some concern that there should be more.  The Panel was given further explanation with regards to viability issues.  It was suggested that a further viability assessment be provided for any further application.

·  The Panel was informed that the owners of the land that could give access to Brandon Way would be willing to sell.  It was reported that the Panel was being asked to consider the access from Newton Road.  This was considered to be the most suitable access with an optimum position of visibility and met all design guides.  It was also reported that a single access was sufficient for a development of this size.

·  There had been speed surveys carried out on Newton Road and it was not felt necessary for any traffic calming measures.

·  It was suggested that further conditions be included with regards to the drainage and flooding issues.


RESOLVED – That the outline application be approved as per the officer recommendation and subject to the prior completion of a legal agreement and the conditions set out in the report.


The Section 106 agreement is to be amended to require:


·  Provision of a minimum of 5 affordable units or 7% of the total number of units to be affordable.

·  Prior to, or in conjunction with, the submission of the first reserved matters application a further viability assessment in respect of the provision of on-site affordable housing units with a minimum provision equivalent to 7% of the total number of units.

·  A payment of £40,000 in lieu of on-site greenspace provision and to require a scheme to be agreed for the maintenance of the residual landscaped areas.


Condition 9 (construction management plan) is to require on-site provision for contractors parking)


Condition 17, drainage requirements, to restrict surface water run off to a maximum of 4 litres per second for the lifetime of the development, submitted details to include sustainable urban drainage measures and to include a scheme to minimise surface water runoff during the construction of the development.


The details submitted pursuant to condition 17, drainage requirements, are to be reported to Panel for determination.


The further viability appraisal and details of the affordable units to be reported to Panel for consideration and agreement.

Supporting documents: