Agenda item

Refresh of The Children and Young Peoples Plan

To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families which provides the latest draft of the refresh, sets out the proposed changes, with rationale, and seeks comments from Scrutiny.  The approval process will continue throughout January and February, culminating with final approval at Full Council in March 2018.



The report of the Director of Children and Families was being refreshed.  The report provided the latest draft of the refresh, set out the proposed changes, with rationale, and sought comments from Scrutiny.  The approval process would continue throughout January and February, culminating with final approval at Council in March 2018.


A copy of the Leeds 2018-23 Children and Young People’s Plan was appended to the report (revised version distributed prior to the meeting).


The following were in attendance:


-  Steve Walker – Director of Children’s Services

-  Councillor Lisa Mulherin – Executive Board Member – Children and Families

-  Sue Rumbold – Chief Officer, Partnerships

-  Peter Storrie – Head of Performance Management and Improvement

-  Chris Hudson – Policy Planning and Procedures Leader


Issues highlighted from the report included the following:


·  There had been wide consultation and this had included children and young people and their families.

·  Significant changes included moving to a focus on improvement for vulnerable learners and the inclusion of transport.

·  Challenging child poverty is now at the centre of the plan.

·  The three obsessions remained, with the inclusion of improvement to attainment and achievement.

·  The review gave an opportunity to re-visit priorities.

·  Links to other strategies including the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and a focus on social and mental health.

·  The need to ensure that performance indicators lined up with priorities.

·  Opportunity to reflect on changes to the curriculum and assessment.


Key areas of discussion included the following:


·  Safe and affordable transport had been highlighted as a priority by young people.  There needed to be work on how the Council could be an influence on this.  Work was ongoing with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority with regards to transport and meetings had been arranged with the involvement of young people and public transport providers.

·  The importance of working with partners including housing, schools and clusters to pick up issues that require early intervention, particularly challenging child poverty.

·  Raising standards and the intention to link to other strategies with regards to tackling child poverty including the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Inclusive Growth Strategy ensuring that there is a child focus.

·  The intention to re-establish the Child Poverty Outcomes Group.

·  Physical activity, cultural activities– provision of affordable sports and leisure activities particularly for those on low incomes or larger families.

·  The need for children and young people to be supported to have strong, positive, sustained relationships and whilst this may be implied it was suggested this to be reflected.

·  The need to close the gap for vulnerable learners whilst raising attainment for all and ensure vulnerable children get the best from their education. The Board requested that rate of improvement in educational outcomes for vulnerable children and young people be prominent in future performance reports.

·  The need for clarity of in the wording of part 3, parents having a child removed for a second or successive time ‘How we’ll know if we have made a difference’.

·  The suggestion that obesity levels are measured at age 5 and age 11. (part 14 ‘ How we’ll know if we have made a difference.’)




(1)  That the report and discussion be noted.

(2)  That subject to the recommendations outlined in the key areas the Scrutiny Board endorsed the proposed changes to the CYPP, which will ensure that the plan remains relevant and focussed on the children and young people who require most support, particularly those who are ‘vulnerable learners’ be acknowledged.

(3)  That the conclusions and recommendations of the Scrutiny Board be referred to the Executive Board to support decision making with regard to the Children and Young Peoples plan refresh.



(Councillor D Cohen left the meeting at 11.45 a.m. and Councillor K Renshaw at 11.55 a.m. during the consideration of this item.)


(Ms C Hopkins and Mr T Britten left the meeting at 12:35 p.m. at the conclusion of this item.)



Supporting documents: