Agenda item

Budget Item

i)  Revenue Budget


a) To agree that the revenue budget for 2018/19 totalling £510.9m be approved. This means that the Leeds element of the council tax for 2018/19 will increase by 2.99% plus the Adult Social Care precept of 2%. This excludes the police and fire precepts which will be incorporated into the report to be submitted to Council on the 21st February 2018.


b)  To agree grants totalling £70k be allocated to parishes.


c)  To approve the strategy at Appendix 9 in respect of the flexible use of capital receipts.


d)  To agree with respect to the Housing Revenue Account that the following be approved:


i)  a reduction of 1% in dwelling rents in non-Private Finance Initiative areas.

ii)  an increase of 3% in dwelling rents in PFI areas.

iii)  an increase of 3.9% in district heating charges.

iv)  that service charges for multi-story flats are increased by £2 per week.

v)  that service charges for low/medium rise properties are increased by 3.9%.

vi)  that the charge for tenants who benefit from the sheltered support service currently paying £4 a week be increased to £6 per week.

vii)That any overall increase to tenants in respect of rents, service and sheltered support charges will be no more than £5 per week.


ii)  Council Tax


  1  That it be noted that at the meeting on 10th January 2018, Council agreed the following amounts for the year 2018/19, in accordance with regulations made under Sections 31B(3) and 34(4) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:-


a)  225,055.2 being the amount calculated by the Council, in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992 (as amended) as its council tax base for the year.











b)  Table 4: Taxbase Numbers 2018/19



being the amounts calculated by the Council in accordance with Regulation 6 of the Regulations, as the amounts of its Council Tax base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.

2  That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the year 2018/19 in accordance with Sections 31A to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:-


a) £2,143,997,734  being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2)(a) to (f) of the Act.


b) £1,840,528,831  being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3)(a) to (d) of the Act.


c) £303,468,903  being the amount by which the aggregate at 2(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 2(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act, as its council tax requirement for the year.


d) £1,348.419868  being the amount at 2(c) above, divided by the amount at 1(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax for the year.


e)  £1,919,686.00  being the aggregate amount of all special items referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act.


f)  £1,339.89  being the amount at 2(d) above, less the result given by dividing the amount at 2(e) above by the amount at 1(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item relates.



The total of parish precepts, included in the figures above, is not yet finalised. Precepts to be confirmed are indicated in the table below.


















g)  Table 5: Band D Precept by Parish



  being the amounts given by adding to the amount at 2(f) above the amounts of the special item or items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council’s area mentioned above divided in each case by the amount at 1(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.


h) Table 6: Leeds and Parish Precepts Excluding Police and Fire 2018/19



being the amounts given by multiplying the amounts at 2(f) and 2(g) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in Valuation Band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands.

  3  That it be noted for the year 2018/19 that the Police and Crime Commissioner has issued the following precept and the Fire & Rescue Authority are expected to issue the following preceptto the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below.



Table 7: Police and Fire Precepts 2018/19



4  That, having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 2(h) and 3 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, and subject to confirmation of the Fire & Rescue Authority precept, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts of council tax for the year 2018/19 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:


Table 8: Leeds and Parish Precepts Including Police and Fire 2018/19


5  That, in accordance with section 52ZB of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, following the principles set out by the Secretary of State and in the Referendums Relating to Council Tax Increases (Principles) (England) Report 2018/19, it be determined that Leeds City Council’s relevant basic amount of council tax for the year 2018/19 is not excessive.


6  That the schedule of instalments for 2018/19 for transfers to Leeds City Council and payments to the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Fire & Rescue Authority out of the Collection Fund be determined as set out in Appendix II of this report.


iii)  Capital Programme Update  2018 – 2021


a)  That the attached capital programme for 2018-2021 totalling  £1,472.3m, including the revised projected position for 2017/18, as presented in Appendix F of the report be approved.


b)  That the Minimum Revenue Provision policy for 2018/19 as set out  in Appendix D of the report be approved.


iv)  Treasury Management Strategy 2018 - 2019 


a)  That the borrowing limits for 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 be set as detailed in Section 3.4 of the submitted report and the changes to both the Operational Boundary and the Authorised limits be noted.


b)  That the treasury management indicators for 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 be set as detailed in Section 3.5 of the submitted report.


c)  That the investment limits for 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 be set as detailed in Section 3.6 of the submitted report


d)  That the revised Treasury Management Policy Statement be adopted.




Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 14.9 leave of Council was given for Councillor Blake to alter the motion in her name having now received the precepts from West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority, Rawdon Parish Council and Ledston Parish Council by altering 7(ii) Council Tax by ; (ii) Council Tax by altering figures at (ii) 2 a to f, the alteration of tabulations at (ii) 2 g (table 5) and h (table 6), (ii) 3 (table 7) and (ii) 4 (table 8), the alteration of paragraph (ii) 3 by the deletion of the words ‘are expected to issue’ and replace with ‘have issued’, by altering paragraph (ii) 4 by the deletion of the words ‘subject to’ and replace with ‘having received’ and by the inclusion of any amendments to the Budget Motion that are agreed by Full Council . 


The altered paragraph(s)/table(s) are contained in the resolution below.


i)  Revenue Budget


a) To agree that the revenue budget for 2018/19 totalling £510.9m be approved. This means that the Leeds element of the council tax for 2018/19 will increase by 2.99% plus the Adult Social Care precept of 2%. This excludes the police and fire precepts which will be incorporated into the report to be submitted to Council on the 21st February 2018.


b)  To agree grants totalling £70k be allocated to parishes.


c)  To approve the strategy at Appendix 9 in respect of the flexible use of capital receipts.


d)  To agree with respect to the Housing Revenue Account that the following be approved:


i)  a reduction of 1% in dwelling rents in non-Private Finance Initiative areas.

ii)  an increase of 3% in dwelling rents in PFI areas.

iii)  an increase of 3.9% in district heating charges.

iv)  that service charges for multi-story flats are increased by £2 per week.

v)  that service charges for low/medium rise properties are increased by 3.9%.

vi)  that the charge for tenants who benefit from the sheltered support service currently paying £4 a week be increased to £6 per week.

vii)That any overall increase to tenants in respect of rents, service and sheltered support charges will be no more than £5 per week.


ii)  Council Tax 


1  That it be noted that at the meeting on 10th January 2018, Council agreed the following amounts for the year 2018/19, in accordance with regulations made under Sections 31B(3) and 34(4) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:-


a)  225,055.2 being the amount calculated by the Council, in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992 (as amended) as its council tax base for the year.






b)  Table 4: Taxbase Numbers 2018/19



being the amounts calculated by the Council in accordance with Regulation 6 of the Regulations, as the amounts of its Council Tax base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.


2  That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the year 2018/19 in accordance with Sections 31A to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:-


a) £2,173,811,030  being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2)(a) to (f) of the Act.


b) £1,870,338,831  being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3)(a) to (d) of the Act.

c) £303,472,199  being the amount by which the aggregate at 2(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 2(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act, as its council tax requirement for the year.


d) £1,348.434513  being the amount at 2(c) above, divided by the amount at 1(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax for the year.


e)  £1,922,982.00  being the aggregate amount of all special items referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act.


f)  £1,339.89  being the amount at 2(d) above, less the result given by dividing the amount at 2(e) above by the amount at 1(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item relates.































g)  Table 5: Band D Precept by Parish


  being the amounts given by adding to the amount at 2(f) above the amounts of the special item or items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council’s area mentioned above divided in each case by the amount at 1(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.



h) Table 6: Leeds and Parish Precepts Excluding Police and Fire 2018/19























being the amounts given by multiplying the amounts at 2(f) and 2(g) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in Valuation Band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands.


3  Thatit be noted for the year 2018/19 that the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Fire & Rescue Authority have issued the following precepts to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below.



Table 7: Police and Fire Precepts 2018/19








4  That, having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 2(h) and 3 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, and having received the Fire & Rescue Authority precept, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts of council tax for the year 2018/19 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:





















Table 8: Leeds and Parish Precepts Including Police and Fire 2018/19



5  That, in accordance with section 52ZB of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, following the principles set out by the Secretary of State and in the Referendums Relating to Council Tax Increases (Principles) (England) Report 2018/19, it be determined that Leeds City Council’s relevant basic amount of council tax for the year 2018/19 is not excessive

6  That the schedule of instalments for 2018/19 for transfers to Leeds City Council and payments to the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Fire & Rescue Authority out of the Collection Fund be determined as set out in Appendix II of this report.


iii)  Capital Programme Update 2017-2020


a)  That the attached capital programme for 2018-2021 totalling  £1,472.3m, including the revised projected position for 2017/18, as presented in Appendix F of the report be approved.


b)  That the Minimum Revenue Provision policy for 2018/19 as set out  in Appendix D of the report be approved.



iv)  Treasury Management Strategy 2018/19


a)  That the borrowing limits for 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 be set as detailed in Section 3.4 of the submitted report and the changes to both the Operational Boundary and the Authorised limits be noted.


b)  That the treasury management indicators for 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 be set as detailed in Section 3.5 of the submitted report.


c)  That the investment limits for 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 be set as detailed in Section 3.6 of the submitted report


d)  That the revised Treasury Management Policy Statement be adopted.


An amendment (1) was moved by Councillor Blake, seconded by Councillor J Lewis that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the figures at 7 (ii) 2 a to f and accompanying tables as appropriate 


a.  A reduction of £750k in the Strategic budget through reducing the budgeted contribution to the Council’s general reserve.


b.  An increase of £180k to the Communities and Environment directorate to fund an increase in the budget for Community Committees.


c.  An increase of £240k in the Parks and Countryside budget within the Communities and Environment directorate.


d.  An increase of £330k in Public Health budget within the Adults and Health directorate.


An amendment (2) was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor John Procter that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  A reduction of £240k to the Strategic budget through a reduction to the cost of full time trade union convenors.

b)  An increase of £240k in the Communities and Environment budget to fund the cessation of charges for inert waste.’


An amendment (3) was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor John Procter that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the figures at 7 (ii) 2 a to f and accompanying tables as appropriate


a)  An increase in the Adults and Health budget of £1m through a contribution from the NHS to support adult social care.

b)  Increased expenditure of £1m on Neighbourhood Networks within the Adults and Health budget.’

An amendment (4) was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor John Procter that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate


a)  A decrease of £330k in the City Development budget through a reduction in the Cultural Legacy budget.

b)  An increase of £330k in the Communities and Environment budget to fund the implementation of two new rounds for the kerbside collection of food waste.’

An amendment (5) was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor John Procter that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate


a)  A reduction in the Resources and Housing directorate budget of £240k to be achieved through the implementation of efficiencies in the revenue spending on back office IT systems.

b)  An increase of £240k in the Communities and Environment budget to implement kerbside glass collection to 24k properties.’




An amendment (6) was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor John Procter that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the figures at 7 (ii) 2 a to f and accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  An increase of £1m in the City Development budget to fund the creation of a cultural legacy for the City. This will be funded through a contribution from the Leeds City Region Business Rates Pool.’


An amendment (7) was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor John Procter that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the figures at 7 (ii) 2 a to f and accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  A reduction in the Strategic Budget as a result of a £750k reduction in the budgeted contribution to the Council's general reserve.

b)  A £750k reduction in the Strategic Budget resulting from an increment freeze for all staff on PO grades and above.

c)  An increase of £1.5m in the High Needs block of the Schools Budget to resource Funding for Inclusion (FFI).’


An amendment (8) was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor John Procter that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  A reduction of £100k to the Strategic Budget to reflect the part year savings from the withdrawal of double time overtime rates and replace them with time and a half.

b)  An increase in the City Development budget of £100k to fund planning enforcement prosecutions.’


An amendment (9) was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor John Procter that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  Transfer responsibility for the management of the £450k Housing Advisory Panel discretionary budget in the Housing Revenue Account to Community Committees.’



An amendment (10) was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor John Procter that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  A decrease of £50k in the City Development budget through a reduction in the Cultural Legacy budget.


b)  A reduction of £50k in the Strategic Budget through a reduction to the cost of full time trade union convenors


c)  A reduction of £150k to the Strategic Budget to reflect the part year savings from the withdrawal of double time overtime rates, replacing them with time and a half.


d)  An increase to the Communities and Environment budget of £250k to fund an increase in the Wellbeing budget that is managed by the Community Committees.’


An amendment (11) was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor John Procter that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate 


a.  A reduction of £110k to the Resources and Housing directorate budget to be achieved through the implementation of efficiencies in the revenue spending on back office IT systems.


b.  A reduction of £75k in the City Development budget due to a reduction in energy costs as a result of fitting LED lights to street lighting columns.


c.  An increase of £185k to the City Development budget to fund the prudential borrowing costs of putting LED lights onto street lighting columns.’


In 7 (iii) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate 


a.  An injection of £3.2m into the capital programme, to be funded through additional borrowing, to invest in LED street lighting.’




An amendment (12) was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor John Procter that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the figures at 7 (ii) a to f and accompanying tables as appropriate


a)  A reduction of £19k to the Strategic Budget to fund the prudential borrowing costs of investment in a rent to buy housing company model.


b)  An increase of £19k to the Strategic Budget funded by repayment from the Local Housing Company.’


In 7 (iii) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  An injection of £500k into the capital programme, to be funded through additional borrowing, to invest in a rent to buy housing company model.’


An amendment (13) was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor John Procter that 


In 7 (iii) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate


a)  An injection into the capital programme of £1.5m for an additional highways maintenance programme to be funded through the re-phasing of the Capital Programme and additional asset sales.’


An amendment (14) was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor John Procter that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the figures at 7 (ii) 2 a to f and accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  An increase to the Housing Revenue Account of £400k through the realisation of discounts from early payment to suppliers.

b)  A reduction to the Housing Revenue Account budget through the removal of charges to self-payers for the Sheltered Warden service.’


An amendment (15) was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor John Procter that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate 


a.  A reduction of £100k to the Strategic budget to reflect the part year savings from the withdrawal of double time overtime rates, replacing them with time and a half.


b.  An increase of £100k to the City Development budget to fund the clearing of snow and ice on highways, especially around schools.’


An amendment (16) was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor John Procter that 


In 7 (iii) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate


a)  An injection into the capital programme of £250k for grants for the provision of more changing place facilities for people with profound and multiple disabilities, to be funded through the re-phasing of the Capital Programme.’

An amendment (17) was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor John Procter that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate


a)  A reduction in the Strategic budget as a result of a £100k reduction in the budgeted contribution to the Council’s general reserve.

b)   An increase of £100k in the Communities and Environment budget to create an earmarked reserve to deal with fly tipping.’


An amendment (18) was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor J Bentley that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  A reduction in the Strategic Budget of £914k by freezing increments for all staff.

b)  An increase of £200k to the Adults and Health budget to fund the establishment of social care community assurance panels

c)  An increase of £318k to the Adults and Health directorate to fund Admiral Nurses.

d)  An increase of £396k in the Strategic budget to reflect the impact of introducing a rate relief scheme for local pharmacies.’

An amendment (19) was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor J Bentley that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  A reduction in the Strategic Budget as a result of a £29k reduction in the budgeted contribution to the Council's general reserve.

b)  A reduction of £400k in the Strategic Budget of £400k by freezing increments for all staff.

c)  An increase of £29k to the Children and Families directorate budget to fund the prudential borrowing costs of building a residential home for children and young adults with complex needs.

d)  An increase of £400k in the Children and Families budget to provide sanitary products to school children, for the alleviation of period poverty.’


In 7 (iii) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate 


a) An injection of £1.6m into the capital programme in respect of the provision of a new residential centre for children and young people with high level complex needs.’


An amendment (20) was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor J Bentley that 


In 7 (iii) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  An injection of £50k into the Capital Programme for additional signage at Merrion House, to reflect a change in its name to Alice Bacon House, funded through re-phasing of the Capital Programme.’


An amendment (21) was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor J Bentley that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the figures at 7 (ii) 2 a to f and accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  A reduction of £223k to the Strategic budget to be achieved through a reduction in the cost of full-time Trade Union Convenors.

b)  A reduction in the Strategic Budget as a result of a £1,727k in the budgeted contribution to the Council's general reserve.

c)  A reduction of £264k to the Strategic budget through a pay freeze to all staff earning above £50k.

d)  A reduction of £374k in the Strategic budget by freezing increments for all staff.

e)  A reduction of £1,076k in Section 106 balances which are held within the City Development directorate.

f)  An increase of £186k to the Communities and Environment directorate budget to fund the prudential borrowing costs of the Anaerobic Digester capital scheme in 2018/19.

g)  An increase of £240k in the Communities and Environment budget to fund the cessation of charges for the disposal of inert waste.

h)  An increase of £3,000k to the Communities and Environment budget £3,000k to fund the expansion of the kerbside collection of food waste city wide.

i)  An increase of £238k to the Communities and Environment budget to fund the kerbside collection of glass from 24k properties.’

In 7 (iii) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  An injection of £4.29m into the capital programme in respect of the development and implementation of an Anaerobic Digester.’


An amendment (22) was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor J Bentley that 


In 7 (iii) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate 

a)  An injection of £500k in to the Capital Programme to establish a Local Housing Company by providing a capital grant funded from Commuted Sums.’

An amendment (23) was moved by Councillor Finnigan, seconded by Councillor Leadley that 


In 7(i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the figures at 7(ii) 2 a to f and accompanying tables as appropriate


a)  An increase of £150k in the Strategic Budget for the Council’s MICE (Members Improvement in the Community and Environment) scheme.


b)  A reduction of £240k in the Resources and Housing budget to reflect a 31% reduction in the Special Responsibility Allowances paid to Members.


c)  An increase in the Communities and Environment budget of £240k to fund the cessation of charges for the disposal of inert waste.


d)  A reduction in the Communities and Environment budget of £300k by reducing officer support to Community Committees.


e)  An increase in the Strategic Budget of £150k for a revenue contribution to capital to the Council’s Ward Based Initiative (WBI) scheme in the Capital Programme.’


An amendment (24) was moved by Councillor D Blackburn, seconded by Councillor A Blackburn that 


In 7 (iii) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  An injection into the Capital Programme of £1m for additional works on collapsed gullies to be funded from the re phasing of the Capital Programme.’


An amendment (25) was moved by Councillor D Blackburn, seconded by Councillor A Blackburn that 


In 7 (iii) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  An injection into the 2018/19 capital programme of £150k for 500 replacement litter bins to be funded from the re-phasing of the capital programme.’


An amendment (26) was moved by Councillor D Blackburn, seconded by Councillor A Blackburn that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the figures at 7(ii) 2 a to f and accompanying tables as appropriate 


a.  A reduction of £214k in the Resources and Housing Budget from a 28% reduction in Special Responsibility Allowances for members

b.  A reduction of £139k in the Resources and Housing Budget from a 9% reduction in basic allowances for members

c.  A reduction of £749k in the Strategic Budget to reflect the half year impact of a 5% reduction in salaries above PO6 or equivalent

d.  Within the Communities and Environment budget implement a 50p price increase at Woodhouse Lane car park which will generate £130k in income

e.  An increase of £180k in the Communities and Environment Directorate to fund an increase to the Community Committees Wellbeing budgets

f.  An increase of £165k to the Communities and Environment budget representing an increase to the budget of Community Committees to fund local environmental projects

g.  An increase of £250k to the Communities and Environment budget for Community Committees to fund the additional investment in the Neighbourhood Improvement Partnerships

h.  An increase of £500k to the Communities and Environment budget to fund additional investment in local parks and cemeteries

i.  An increase of £137k in the Communities and Environment budget to provide additional resources for the Youth Activities Fund.’


An amendment (27) was moved by Councillor D Blackburn, seconded by Councillor A Blackburn that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the figures at 7 (ii) 2 a to f and accompanying tables as appropriate. 

a)  A reduction in the Strategic budget through reducing the budgeted contribution to the Council's General Reserve by £756k.

b)  An increase of £150k in the Communities and Environment budget to fund the cessation of charges for the bulky collection service.

c)  An increase of £240k in the Communities and Environment budget to fund the cessation of charges for inert waste.

d)  An increase of £366k to the Communities and Environment budget to fund additional investment in local Streetscene Services.’


An amendment (28) was moved by Councillor M Dobson, seconded by Councillor C Dobson that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the figures at 7 (ii) 2 a to f and accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  An increase of £240k in the Communities and Environment Budget to fund the cessation of charges for inert waste

b)  An increase of £150k in the Communities and Environment Budget to fund the cessation of charges for the bulky collection service.

c)  An increase of £150k in the Communities and Environment budget to fund the cessation of charges for replacement bins.

d)  A reduction of £150k to the Communities and Environment budget by reducing the promotion and marketing budget in Waste Management.

e)  A reduction in the Strategic Budget as a result of a £390k reduction in the budgeted contribution to the Council’s Invest to Save Reserve.’

An amendment (29) was moved by Councillor M Dobson, seconded by Councillor C Dobson that 



In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the figures at 7 (ii) 2 a to f and accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  An increase of £100k in the Adults and Health budget to undertake a feasibility study to develop a business case to bring Dementia Residential Care back in house. 

b)   A reduction of £36k in the Resources and Housing budget, by allowing no inflationary increases on Members allowances.

c)  A reduction in the Strategic Budget as a result of a £64k reduction in the budgeted contribution to the Council’s Invest to Save Reserve.’


An amendment (30) was moved by Councillor M Dobson, seconded by Councillor C Dobson that 


In 7 (i) after the words ‘be approved’ add ‘subject to amendment to the council’s budget for 2018/19 as set out below and adjustments to the figures at 7 (ii) 2 a to f and accompanying tables as appropriate 


a)  A decrease in the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget of £125k through non implementation of the £2 per week increase in service charges for tenants in Sheltered Housing.

b)  An increase in the Housing Revenue Account budget of £125k through a reduction in the budgeted revenue contribution to the HRA Capital programme.’


Amendment 1 was carried and amendments 2 to 30 were declared lost and upon being put to the vote it was






i) Revenue Budget


a) To agree that the revenue budget for 2018/19 totalling £510.9m be approved. This means that the Leeds element of the council tax for 2018/19 will increase by 2.99% plus the Adult Social Care precept of 2%. This excludes the police and fire precepts which will be incorporated into the report to be submitted to Council on the 21st February 2018.


c)  To agree grants totalling £70k be allocated to parishes.


d)  To approve the strategy at Appendix 9 in respect of the flexible use of capital receipts.


e)  To agree with respect to the Housing Revenue Account that the following be approved:


i) a reduction of 1% in dwelling rents in non-Private Finance Initiative areas.

ii) an increase of 3% in dwelling rents in PFI areas.

  iii) an increase of 3.9% in district heating charges.

iv) that service charges for multi-story flats are increased by £2 per week.

  v) that service charges for low/medium rise properties are increased by 3.9%.

vi) that the charge for tenants who benefit from the sheltered support service currently paying £4 a week be increased to £6 per week.

vii) That any overall increase to tenants in respect of rents, service and sheltered support charges will be no more than £5 per week.


ii)Council Tax 


1  That it be noted that at the meeting on 10th January 2018, Council agreed the following amounts for the year 2018/19, in accordance with regulations made under Sections 31B(3) and 34(4) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:-


a)  225,055.2 being the amount calculated by the Council, in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992 (as amended) as its council tax base for the year.


b)Table 4: Taxbase Numbers 2018/19



being the amounts calculated by the Council in accordance with Regulation 6 of the Regulations, as the amounts of its Council Tax base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.


2  That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the year 2018/19 in accordance with Sections 31A to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:-


a) £2,173,811,030  being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2)(a) to (f) of the Act.


b) £1,870,338,831  being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3)(a) to (d) of the Act.

c) £303,472,199  being the amount by which the aggregate at 2(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 2(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act, as its council tax requirement for the year.


d) £1,348.434513  being the amount at 2(c) above, divided by the amount at 1(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax for the year.


e)  £1,922,982.00  being the aggregate amount of all special items referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act.


f)  £1,339.89  being the amount at 2(d) above, less the result given by dividing the amount at 2(e) above by the amount at 1(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item relates.































g)Table 5: Band D Precept by Parish


  being the amounts given by adding to the amount at 2(f) above the amounts of the special item or items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council’s area mentioned above divided in each case by the amount at 1(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.



h) Table 6: Leeds and Parish Precepts Excluding Police and Fire 2018/19



being the amounts given by multiplying the amounts at 2(f) and 2(g) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in Valuation Band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands.


3  Thatit be noted for the year 2018/19 that the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Fire & Rescue Authority have issued the following precepts to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below.



Table 7: Police and Fire Precepts 2018/19




4  That, having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 2(h) and 3 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, and having received the Fire & Rescue Authority precept, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts of council tax for the year 2018/19 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:



Table 8: Leeds and Parish Precepts Including Police and Fire 2018/19



5  That, in accordance with section 52ZB of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, following the principles set out by the Secretary of State and in the Referendums Relating to Council Tax Increases (Principles) (England) Report 2018/19, it be determined that Leeds City Council’s relevant basic amount of council tax for the year 2018/19 is not excessive

6  That the schedule of instalments for 2018/19 for transfers to Leeds City Council and payments to the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Fire & Rescue Authority out of the Collection Fund be determined as set out in Appendix II of this report.


iii)Capital Programme Update 2017-2020


a)  That the attached capital programme for 2018-2021 totalling  £1,472.3m, including the revised projected position for 2017/18, as presented in Appendix F of the report be approved.


b)  That the Minimum Revenue Provision policy for 2018/19 as set out  in Appendix D of the report be approved.



iv)Treasury Management Strategy 2018/19


a)  That the borrowing limits for 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 be set as detailed in Section 3.4 of the submitted report and the changes to both the Operational Boundary and the Authorised limits be noted.


b)  That the treasury management indicators for 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 be set as detailed in Section 3.5 of the submitted report.


c)  That the investment limits for 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 be set as detailed in Section 3.6 of the submitted report


d)  That the revised Treasury Management Policy Statement be adopted.


On the requisition of Councillor Ogilvie and G Latty the voting on all amendments and the (substantive) Budget motion was recorded as follows;


Amendment 1 in the name of Councillor J Blake


YES – 59


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Garthwaite, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Varley, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.


NO – 0




B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Dunn,  Flynn, Golton, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lay, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.




Amendment 2 in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter


YES – 30


B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins, Downes, Elliott, Finnigan,  Flynn, Gettings, Golton, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lay, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Varley, Wadsworth, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 56


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, C Dobson, M Dobson, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Dunn, Leadley and Wilford


Amendment 3 in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter


YES – 35


B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins, Downes, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Flynn, Gettings, Golton, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lay, Leadley, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Varley, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 54


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




C Dobson and M Dobson


Amendment 4 in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter


YES – 32


B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins C Dobson, M Dobson

Downes, Flynn, Golton, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lay, Leadley, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 57


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Elliott, Gabriel, Garthwaite, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Varley, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




Dunn and Finnigan


Amendment 5 in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter


YES – 35


B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, D Blackburn, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins C Dobson, M Dobson,

Downes, Elliott, Finnigan, Flynn, Gettings, Golton, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lay, Leadley, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Varley, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 54


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




A Blackburn and Dunn



Amendment 6 in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter


YES – 22


B Anderson, C Anderson, Buckley, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Cohen, Collins, Elliott, Finnigan, Gettings, Flynn, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Varley, Wadsworth, Wilkinson and Wood.





NO – 54


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




J Bentley, S Bentley, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Campbell, Chapman, Cleasby, Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Dunn, Golton, Lay, Leadley and Wilford


Amendment 7 in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter


YES – 26


B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cohen, Cleasby, Collins, Downes, Golton, Flynn, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, Lay, P Latty, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Wadsworth, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 59


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Garthwaite, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Varley, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




A Blackburn, D Blackburn,C Dobson, M Dobson, Dunn and Wilford


Amendment 8 in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter


YES – 31


B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins, Downes, Elliott, Finnigan, Flynn, Gettings, Golton, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lay, Leadley, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Varley, Wadsworth, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 56


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, C Dobson, M Dobson, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




A, Blackburn, D Blackburn, Dunn and Wilford


Amendment 9 in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter


YES – 24


B Anderson, C Anderson, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Cohen, Collins, Elliott, Flynn, Gettings, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Varley, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 66


Akhtar, Arif, J Bentley, S Bentley, Blake, Bruce, Campbell, Chapman, Charlwood, Cleasby, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Finnigan, Gabriel, Garthwaite, Golton, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, Lay, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.






Amendment 10 in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter


YES - 30


B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins, Downes, Elliott,  Finnigan, Flynn, Gettings,  Golton, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lay, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Varley,  Wadsworth, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 56


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, C Dobson, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon






A Blackburn, D Blackburn, M Dobson, Dunn and Wilford


Amendment 11 in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter


YES – 32


B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, A, Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Flynn, Golton, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lay, Leadley, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 57


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Elliott, Gabriel, Garthwaite, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Varley,  Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




Dunn and Finnigan


Amendment 12 in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter


YES – 18


B Anderson, C Anderson, Buckley, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Cohen, Collins, Flynn, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Wadsworth, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 58


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey Finnigan Elliott, Gabriel, Garthwaite, Gettings,  P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth,  Jarosz, Khan, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Varley, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




J Bentley, S Bentley, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Campbell, Chapman, Cleasby, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Dunn, Golton, Iqbal, Lay and Wilford



Amendment 13 in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter


YES – 28


B Anderson, C Anderson, A, Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Cohen, Collins, C Dobson, M Dobson, Elliott, Finnigan, Flynn, Gettings, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Leadley, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Varley, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 54


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




J Bentley, S Bentley, Campbell, Chapman, Cleasby, Downes, Dunn, Golton and Lay


Amendment 14 in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter


YES – 22


B Anderson, C Anderson, A, Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Cohen, Collins,  Flynn, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Leadley, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 58


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Elliott, Finnigan, Gabriel, Garthwaite, Gettings,  P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Varley, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




J Bentley, S Bentley, Campbell, Chapman, Cleasby, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Dunn, Golton and Lay.








Amendment 15 in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter


YES – 18


B Anderson, C Anderson, Buckley, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Cohen, Collins, Flynn, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Wadsworth, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 57


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey Elliott, Gabriel, Garthwaite, Gettings,  P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen, P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Varley, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




J Bentley, S Bentley, A, Blackburn, D Blackburn, Campbell, Chapman, Cleasby, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Dunn, Finnigan, Golton, Lay, Leadley and Wilford


Amendment 16 in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter


YES – 37


B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, A, Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins, Davey, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Elliott, Finnigan, Flynn, Gettings, Golton, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lay, Leadley, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Varley, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 53


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.











Amendment 17 in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter


YES – 28


B Anderson, C Anderson, A, Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Cohen, Collins, C Dobson, M Dobson, Elliott, Finnigan, Flynn, Gettings, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Leadley, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Varley, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 54


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




J Bentley, S Bentey, Campbell, Chapman, Cleasby, Downes, Dunn, Golton and Lay


Amendment 18 in the name of Councillor S Golton


YES – 10


J Bentley, S Bentley, Campbell, Chapman, Cleasby, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Golton and Lay


NO – 58


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Elliott, Gabriel, Garthwaite, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen, P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Varley, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




B Anderson, C Anderson, A, Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Cohen, Collins, Dunn, Finnigan, Flynn, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood


Amendment 19 in the name of Councillor S Golton


YES – 10


J Bentley, S Bentley, Campbell, Chapman, Cleasby, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Golton and Lay

NO – 58


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Elliott, Gabriel, Garthwaite, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen, P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Varley, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




B Anderson, C Anderson, A, Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Cohen, Collins, Dunn, Finnigan, Flynn, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood


Amendment 20 in the name of Councillor S Golton


YES – 11


J Bentley, S Bentley, A, Blackburn, D Blackburn, Campbell, Chapman, Cleasby, Downes, Golton, Lay and Wilford


NO – 59


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, C Dobson, M Dobson, Elliott, Gabriel, Garthwaite, Gettings,  P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen, P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Varley, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




B Anderson, C Anderson, Buckley, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Cohen, Collins, Dunn, Finnigan, Flynn, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Leadley, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Wadsworth, Wilkinson and Wood


Amendment 21 in the name of Councillor S Golton


YES – 8


J Bentley, S Bentley, Campbell, Chapman, Cleasby, Downes, Golton and Lay


NO – 60


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, C Dobson, M Dobson, Elliott, Gabriel, Garthwaite, Gettings,  P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen, P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Varley, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




B Anderson, C Anderson, A, Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Cohen, Collins, Dunn, Finnigan, Flynn, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood


Amendment 22 in the name of Councillor S Golton


YES – 31


B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, A, Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Flynn, Golton, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lay, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 58


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Elliott, Gabriel, Garthwaite, Gettings, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Varley,  Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




Dunn and Finnigan


Amendment 23 in the name of Councillor R Finnigan


YES – 17


J Bentley, S Bentley, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Campbell, Chapman, Cleasby, Downes, Dunn, Elliott, Finnigan, Gettings, Golton, Lay, Leadley, Varley and Wilford


NO – 72


Akhtar, B Anderson, C Anderson,  Arif, Blake, Bruce, Buckley, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Charlwood, Cohen, Collins, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Flynn, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Harrand, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wadsworth, Wakefield, Walshaw, Wilkinson, Wood and Yeadon.




C Dobson and M Dobson


Amendment 24 in the name of Councillor D Blackburn


YES – 36


B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, A, Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Elliott, Finnigan, Flynn, Gettings, Golton, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lay, Leadley, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Varley, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 54


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.






Amendment 25 in the name of Councillor D Blackburn


YES – 35


B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, A, Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins, C Dobson, M Dobson, Elliott, Finnigan, Flynn, Gettings, Golton, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lay, Leadley, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Varley, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 54


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




Dunn and Downes



Amendment 26 in the name of Councillor D Blackburn


YES – 11


A, Blackburn, D Blackburn, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Elliott, Finnigan, Gettings, Leadley, Varley and Wilford,


NO – 54


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.




B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins, Dunn, Flynn, Golton, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lay, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Wilkinson, Wadsworth and Wood.


Amendment 27 in the name of Councillor D Blackburn


YES – 36


B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, A, Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Elliott, Finnigan, Flynn, Gettings, Golton, Harrand, Lamb, Lay, G Latty, P Latty, Leadley, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Varley, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 54


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw and Yeadon.











Amendment 28 in the name of Councillor M Dobson


YES – 37


B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Dunn, Elliott,  Finnigan, Flynn, Gettings, Golton, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lay, Leadley, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Varley, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 54


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart,  E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw, and Yeadon.




Amendment 29 in the name of Councillor M Dobson


YES – 37


B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Dunn, Elliott,  Finnigan, Flynn, Gettings, Golton, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lay, Leadley, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Varley, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 54


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart,  E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw, and Yeadon.




Amendment 30 in the name of Councillor M Dobson


YES – 37


B Anderson, C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Buckley, Campbell, Amanda Carter, Andrew Carter, Chapman, Cleasby, Cohen, Collins, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes, Dunn, Elliott,  Finnigan, Flynn, Gettings, Golton, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, Lay, Leadley, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Varley, Wadsworth, Wilford, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 54


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart,  E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw, and Yeadon.




Substantive motion in the name of Cllr J Blake


YES – 54


Akhtar, Arif, Blake, Bruce, Charlwood, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Gabriel, Garthwaite, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen,  P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Jarosz, Khan, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart,  E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walshaw, and Yeadon.


NO – 2


C Dobson, M Dobson,




C Anderson, J Bentley, S Bentley, A Blackburn, D Blackburn, Campbell, Chapman, Cleasby, Collins, Downes, Dunn, Elliott,  Finnigan, Flynn, Gettings, Golton, Lay, Leadley, Stephenson, Varley and  Wilford,

Supporting documents: