Agenda item

APPLICATION No. 17/08435/RM - Approval of reserved matters - (layout, scale and landscaping of the site), pursuant to approval 16/02757/OT (erection of a motorway service area) (as amended by non-material amendment 17/00058/MOD) for Phase 2 (facilities building) at land off Junction 45, M1 Motorway.

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a reserved matters application - (layout, scale and landscaping of the site), pursuant to approval 16/02757/OT (erection of a motorway service area) (as amended by non-material amendment 17/00058/MOD) for Phase 2 (facilities building) at land off Junction 45, M1 Motorway.


(Report attached)


The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which set out details of a reserved matters application - (layout, scale and landscaping of the site), pursuant to approval 16/02757/OT (erection of a motorway service area) (as amended by non-material amendment 17/00058/MOD) for Phase 2 (facilities building) at land off Junction 45, M1 Motorway.


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


The Planning Case Officer addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:


·  The reserved matters application relates to Phase 2 of the development (covering the Facilities Building). This phase also includes the hotel (100 bedrooms), landscaping and car parking within that phase and addresses matters associated with the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping of the site for this phase. These works use the development platforms set by the Phase 1- Enabling Works (Phase 1) which was the subject of a separate reserved matters application (Ref: 17/08434/RM) that had recently been granted. Phase 3- Fuel Filling Station will form the basis of a further reserved matters application.


·  The officer confirmed the main means of access into the site had already been agreed as part of the original outline permission and was the shared solution that also provides access into the adjacent housing site. Highways England were currently undertaking improvement works to the motorway junction and it was intended to piggyback these works.


·  The proposed Facilities Building was positioned towards the southern portion of the site and comprises a series of interlinked buildings with a partial living/green, oversailing roof form. It was confirmed as containing a central atrium space surrounded by the various commercial outlets. The community space and multi-faith room would be located on the first floor with a viewing area situated above. Access to the first floor was also available via a lift.


·  The hotel is linked to the main facilities building and would be two storey and arranged in the ‘T’ shape. Although flat roofed, it was positioned behind the front ribbon of the roof form.


·  The officer updated Members about the outstanding matters which highway officers has raised and confirmed these had now been resolved. In particular, the electric vehicle charging points were now identified, the bus layby had been altered and clarification was provided that the internal road from the HGV area was for service vehicles only. A further condition confirming this route was only to be used for service vehicles was therefore added to the officer recommendation.


·  It was confirmed the Coal Authority had now provided a ‘no objection’ response. Members were also advised that whilst the National Grid had issued a holding response, no further comments had been received despite officers chasing and the issues raised were largely for the applicant to be mindful of in terms of health and safety issues as part of the construction process. As such, officers did not consider progressing to a formal decision on the reserved matters application was problematic.


Members raised the following questions:


·  Were there any active pedestrian routes through the car park

·  Why was the Petrol Filling Station not included as part of this application

·  Was there any means of protection for trees located within the car park

·  Would the phasing of the landscaping works take place at the end of the construction works


In responding to the issues raised, the applicant’s representative and council officers said:


·  It was confirmed there were active pedestrian routes throughout the car park

·  Details of the Fuel Filling Station had not yet been received but it was anticipated they would be received shortly

·  Barriers and low planting would assist in the protection of trees within the car park, any trees which had died within the first 5 years would be replaced. A number of heavy standard trees were also to be planted throughout. The detailed landscape proposals were subject to a separate condition discharge application and the details would be made available to Members for information.

·  Landscaping works would be carried out throughout the construction period and was integral to the overall design.


In offering comments Members raised the following issues:


·  Members were supportive of the development commenting it would bring employment opportunities to the area.

·  This would be the first Motorway Service Area (MSA) within the Leeds District


In summing up the Chair thanked all parties from their attendance and contributions commenting that Members appeared to be supportive of the proposal. The Chair also remarked that the applicant had engaged positively throughout the process by undertaking an initial pre-application proposal and it was good to see the original commitments about design quality had been followed through.


RESOLVED – That the application be approved subject to the condition specified in the submitted report and the addition of a further condition relating to service access only (in respect of the access road which leads off the HGV parking area).


Supporting documents: