Agenda item

PREAPP/17/00353 - Pre-application presentation for a change of use from A1 retail units to one combined A3 restaurant and internal alterations to the basement, ground floor and upper floors in the Howard Assembly Room of Opera North and an office refurbishment including facade re-modelling and two storey rehearsal studio extension to roof of existing 5 storey Premier House building, and the provision of ground floor education suite, at the Howard Assembly Room and Premier House at Opera North, New Briggate and 8 Harrison Street, Leeds, LS1 6PA.

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details  of a pre-application presentation for a change of use from A1 retail units to one combined A3 restaurant and internal alterations to the basement, ground floor and upper floors in the Howard Assembly Room of Opera North and an office refurbishment including facade re-modelling and two storey rehearsal studio extension to roof of existing 5 storey Premier House building, and the provision of ground floor education suite, at the Howard Assembly Room and Premier House at Opera North, New Briggate and 8 Harrison Street, Leeds, LS1 6PA.


(Report attached)


The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which sets out details of a

pre-application presentation for a change of use from A1 retail units to one combined A3 restaurant and internal alterations to the basement, ground floor and upper floors in the Howard Assembly Room of Opera North and an office refurbishment including facade re-modelling and two storey rehearsal studio extension to roof of existing 5 storey Premier House building, and the provision of ground floor education suite, at the Howard Assembly Room and Premier House at Opera North, New Briggate and 8 Harrison Street, Leeds, LS1 6PA.


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


The applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:


·  The proposed development seeks a change of use of the ground floor vacant former shop units from A1 retail units to one combined A3 restaurant, with internal alterations to the basement, ground floor and upper floors in the Howard Assembly Room of Opera North and an external terrace to the rear of the former shop units. In addition the proposal also involves an office refurbishment including facade remodelling and two storey rehearsal studio extension to roof of existing 5 storey Premier House building, and the provision of ground floor education suite.


Members raised the following questions:


·  Was the Leeds Grand Theatre supportive of the scheme

·  The lower part of the green bridge was very unsightly, unloved and appeared to be a dumping ground, could this area be given an upgrade and also could the bin storage areas be looked at

·  Could the historic element of the Howard Assembly Room and its cellars be retained

·  Could more details be provided about the proposed perforated metal screen treatment to the alleyway

·  The façade to the Premier House building, what materials were proposed to be used

·  Were there any highway proposals for New Briggate/ Harrison Street

·  Had the City Council’s Entertainment Licensing Section been consulted

·  What was the proposed timescale for completion of the scheme


In responding to the issues raised, the applicant’s representatives said:


·  It was reported that the Leeds Grand Theatre were supportive of the scheme

·  Members were informed that the bridge was not in the ownership of Opera North and did not form part of the application, however, the bin storage areas would be investigated further

·  It was suggested that with the use of original plans, stained glass and tiling the historic element could be retained

·  The proposed treatment to the alleyways was still to be finalised and further details would be supplied as part of the formal application

·  The materials to be used to the façade of Premier House would include brown none reflective panels and glass 

·  Highways officers reported that a feasibility study for the area had taken place a few years earlier with the possibility of Harrison Street having access only, with pedestrian access requiring further enhancement

·  It was reported that Entertainment Licensing had been consulted and had raised no objections to the proposals

·  In terms of a completion date it was envisaged work would begin on site early 2019 with an 80 week build period


(Concerning the possibility of providing some upgrade works to the green bridge, the Chief Planning Officer suggested that Opera North working with the Grand Theatre and the Chief Officer, Culture & Sport, City Development to investigate if there was a possibility of engaging in a Heritage Lottery Bid to assist in the funding of any up-grade works)


In offering comments Members raised the following issues:


·  Members expressed the view that this was a very exciting development, a stepping stone for other premises to follow

·  There was a desire that the close working relationship with the Grand Theatre continued

·  It was the view of Members that the issues concerning the green bridge and bin storage areas be pursued

·  Members were supportive of the proposals for the shop fronts

·  Members welcomed the proposals for the alleyway but more detail was required

·  It was suggested that a Traffic Assessment was required with a view to relocating the existing bus stops


In drawing the discussion to a conclusion Members provided the following feedback;


·  Members were supportive of the principle of the restaurant use

·  Members were supportive of the emerging scale, massing and design of the proposals

·  Upon receipt of the Planning Application and Listed Building Consent, the applications be brought back to Panel for further consideration


The Chair thanked the developers for their attendance and presentation.




(i)  To note the details contained in the pre-application presentation


(ii)  That the developers be thanked for their attendance and presentation



Supporting documents: