Agenda item


The report of the Chief Planning Officer asks Members to consider an application for the demolition of existing buildings and structures, ground remediation and earthworks for future site redevelopment at Radial Park Manston Lane, Manston, Leeds, LS15 8ST.


(Report attached)






The submitted report of the Chief Planning Officer set out an application for the demolition of existing buildings and structures, ground remediation and earthworks for future site redevelopment at, Radial Park, Manston Lane, Manston, LS15 8ST.


The land was an allocated phase 1 housing site (HG2-120) within emerging Site Allocations Plan and permission with an identified capacity of 450 units.  It was expected that a planning application for residential development would be submitted in early summer.


Works to clear and remediate the site were previously granted planning permission in May 2016 (14/02521/FU) and this included the prior extraction of coal. Permission was granted, subject to conditions, including that no development take place until the Manston Lane Link Road (MLLR) had been constructed and was operational for public use.


It was noted that this was formally the Vickers Tank Site.


Photographs and plans were shown throughout the presentation.


Members were advised of the following points:-

·  That the revised remediation strategy no longer proposed the prior extraction of coal and permission was now sought to commence the initial stages of the development demolition, site clearance, and initial earthworks prior to the opening of the MLLR.

·  There would be some loss of trees across the site, however trees would remain along the railway line.

·  23 letters of objection had been received. The representations referred to the noise levels, dust levels, traffic, harm and impact on the area.

·  Noise attenuation structures in the form of fencing were to be erected.

·  MLLR was due to open in Autumn 2018.

·  Traffic levels would be monitored prior to the opening and use of the MLLR. Safe-guards were to be adopted should the traffic levels rise above those predicted and work would be stopped.


Mr Eamon Judge was in attendance at the meeting and spoke against the recommendations.


Mr Judge spoke at length about the impact of additional traffic specifically HGV’s on the local highway network in particular on the Crossgates town centre required for the removal of demolition material and the import of raw materials to allow the grouting. Mr Judge highlighted the fact that the previous permission had included a condition to prevent the commencement of works until the MLLR opened and that there was also a condition that vehicles over three tonnes should only enter or depart the site via the MLLR.


Phil Brook on behalf of the applicant and John Booth, Highways Consultant attended the meeting.


Mr Brook and Mr Booth reiterated the points set out in the submitted report on processes proposed to mitigate the impact on residents.


In response to Members questions it was noted that if permission was granted that mobilisation could start on the site towards the end of May 2018. Stage 3 which would include the grouting process would start mid-October 2018 when the MLLR is anticipated to be opened allowing traffic to enter and depart via the MLLR towards the East avoiding the sensitive routes in Crossgates.


Members were advised of Conditions 4 and 17 set out in the submitted report.


RESOLVED – To defer and delegate to the Chief Planning Officer for approval as set out in the submitted report.


Supporting documents: