Agenda item

PREAPP/17/00552 - Pre-application presentation for outline proposal, mixed use scheme comprising residential accommodation with ancillary ground floor 'active' uses at site on the corner of Kirkstall Road and Viaduct Road - Former ThyssenKrupp Industrial site.

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a pre-application presentation for outline proposal, mixed use scheme comprising residential accommodation with ancillary ground floor ‘active’ uses at site on the corner of Kirkstall Road and Viaduct Road – Former ThyssenKrupp Industrial site.


(Report attached)


The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which sets out details of a

pre-application presentation for an outline proposal for a mixed use scheme comprising residential accommodation with ancillary ground floor “active” uses at a site on the corner of Kirkstall Road and Viaduct Road – Former ThyssenKrupp Industrial site.


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


The applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:


The scheme was for the redevelopment of the area occupied by the former industrial building and its associated car park area. The proposals comprised of 4 buildings between 4 and 9 storeys located around a central open space area. One of these is proposed to front Kirkstall Road, relating in scale at one end to the red brick church building and rising in height to address the prominent Kirkstall Road/Viaduct Road corner.


The site access point is on Viaduct Road where the main corner building returns to offer a curved sweeping element which leads vehicles and pedestrians towards the centre of the site. The access road is oriented parallel to Kirkstall Road and gives access to each of the 4 buildings which would all contain under-croft car parking at ground floor level. This is part of the package of measures to counter flood risk on the site.


The buildings sit along the sides and corners of the site to create edges and corners to the central space area. These are terminated and turned to create vistas across the site as well as through to the Viaduct and River Aire beyond. These vistas tie into pedestrian routes and open space areas to provide pedestrian permeability and legibility.


The heights have been designed to relate to those of the surrounding buildings which are to remain, as well as provide emphasis to the Kirkstall Road corner and to provide articulation to the building heights and skyline.


All of the buildings are to contain residential use with the current number of units proposed being 254 with the building fronting Viaduct Road potentially able to accommodate another 40 to 60 units, these are outside the

pre-application site area. Three small retail units are proposed at ground floor level in order to animate the lower parts of the building which fronts both Kirkstall Road and the vehicular route into the site.


131 car parking spaces are currently proposed although another 40 are provided for the building fronting Viaduct Road which are also accessed from the same point on Viaduct Road.


Members raised the following questions:


·  When was it anticipated work on site would begin

·  Would the southern boundary wall be retained

·  Would the previous issues of flooding be addressed

·  Would the heritage building be cleaned as part of the development

·  Could the curved brick boundary wall along Kirkstall Road be retained 


In responding to the issues raised, the applicant’s representatives said:


·  The development would consist of 4 phases, the intention was to submit an outline application as soon as possible with the reserved matters application following in early 2019

·  Discussions were ongoing with the owners of the adjacent site to the south to understand its future use. Currently the boundary wall was retained for security reasons

·  It was reported that flooding to the site had occurred previously. Members were informed that a flood risk assessment would be undertaken, including any impact from river silt, and it was intended the development would be lifted onto stilts to address any future flooding issues

·  The applicant confirmed that the cleaning of the heritage building “would be looked at”

·  The applicant confirmed that it was their intention to retain some elements of the curved boundary wall.


In offering comments Members raised the following issues:


·  Members were supportive of the scheme

·  The retention of the heritage buildings and bringing them back into use was welcomed


In drawing the discussion to a conclusion Members provided the following feedback;


·  Members were supportive of the emerging scale and design of the development

·  Members were supportive of the emerging approach to public space, car parking and landscaping provision on the site


The Chair thanked the developers for their attendance and presentation.




(i)  To note the details contained in the pre-application presentation


(ii)  That the developers be thanked for their attendance and presentation



Supporting documents: