Agenda item

Examination of the Leeds Core Strategy Selective Review

To consider the report of the Director of City Development with an update on the Core Strategy Selective Review Examination Hearings and future work and dates toward adoption of the Plan.



The Head of Strategic Planning, presented a report which provided an overview of the Core Strategy Selective Review (CSSR) Examination Hearings which had taken place over a two week period and an outline of the process leading up to the adoption of the Plan. In general, key responses at the hearing included:


-  Housing Requirement Policy SP6 – Housebuilders felt that the proposed housing requirement was too low in order to deliver greater quantities of affordable housing, whereas community groups felt this figure was too high.

-  Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Policy EN8 – Housebuilders raised concerns in regard to trailing of cables.

-  Housing Standards (i) Nationally Described Space Standards Policy H9 – whether need could be demonstrated.

-  Affordable housing Policy H5 – the Inspector suggested that a new glossary of terms be looked at, to clarify how the Council’s definitions of affordable housing sit in relation to new definitions in the glossary of NPPF 2019.


Members were informed that council officers had responded to a schedule of actions provided by the Inspector and these had been submitted to the Programme Officer; upon receiving the suggested schedule of main modifications (which will indicate where the Inspector requires changes to be made in order to respond to comments and make the plan sound) from the Inspector, these can be considered by Executive Board and will provide a clear indication of where consultation will be required.


Moving forward, the Panel agreed officers should take all measures in conjunction with Executive Board Members and the Leader to continue to expedite a smooth plan making process towards Adoption of the Plan.


The Panel discussed the following key issues with officers:


Policy H5 Affordable Housing

·  The Panel were informed the proposed increases from 5% to 7%, showed it was viable strategically.


Housing Standards (i) Nationally Described Space Standards – Policy H9

·  The Panel noted that in terms of the Inspector suggesting a main modification to strengthen the requirements, the word “must” had been substituted for the word “should”.

·  Officers have looked at the energy efficiency policies and it was agreed for this to be reviewed through the next local plan review; which provides an opportunity to tackle the quality of schemes.

·  In relation to applying a transitional period to the Nationally Described Space Standards (NDSS), officers confirmed there are schemes in Leeds being built to the higher standards and on that basis, felt that transitional arrangements weren’t required.


Green Space – Policy G4, G5 and G6

·  The Panel noted that there are 4 criterion around where green space is to be provided on site; the Policy could read that all 4 of these criterion are to be satisfied at the same time but 1 or all of those could be a trigger for providing greenspace offsite.


Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure – Policy EN8

·  The Panel discussed the viability of charging points per dwelling or parking space. Members raised concern in relation to:

  I.  The need to implement the importance of housebuilders providing charging points within schemes, particularly in respect of new builds;

  II.  Difficulties of retrofitting houses on streets with no parking resulting in those properties being excluded from using environmentally friendly vehicles and ways to tackle this in the future;

  III.  Safety issues surrounding cables.


·  The Panel noted the council’s strategy to use trickle charging, and the lower impact this would have on electricity infrastructure. It was also noted that electric vehicle charging points, need to be included in the layout of developments at the application stage. Members raised concern that technology and the demand for electrical vehicles will progress, and residents will not want to wait overnight for their car to charge. It was requested for further discussion in the future regarding this.


Climate Change Reduction - Policies EN1, EN2

·  It was noted that upon receipt of guidance from the Government, it was important that this be circulated to Members to understand and receive clarity on where change is needed. Officers agreed to further update to the Panel on how the policies are performing and what can be done in terms of climate change.


Next Steps / Timetable

·  Members noted the Inspector’s latest note will be published on the examination webpage and officers are to seek clarity from the Inspector whether any further actions notes are to be issued upon confirmation of this, the Council will await the main modifications for the council to consult on.


In conclusion, the Chair acknowledged a whole council approach and collaborating with external partners would be helpful in moving forward, towards the adoption of the Core Strategy Selective Review.



a)  To note the summary of the hearings outlined in the report.

b)  To note the Council’s response to the Inspector’s actions arising will be made available on the examination webpage.

c)  To note the next steps in the process leading up to the adoption of the CSSR.


Supporting documents: