Agenda item

Inner North East Community Committee - Climate Emergency and Air Quality

To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Sustainable Energy and Air Quality providing an update on the Climate Emergency and on-going work on air quality. The report explains both the climate emergency and the air quality agenda.

(Report attached)



The Chief Officer, Sustainable Energy and Air Quality, submitted a report that provided an update on the Climate Emergency and on-going work on air quality. The report provides information on both the climate emergency and air quality agenda.


Officers in attendance at the meeting:

  • George Munson, Senior Project Manager
  • Chad Newton, Senior Communication and Marketing Officer
  • Daniel Larkin, Graduate Local Government Officer


George Munson, presented the report to the Committee and provided a presentation, which focused on the following aspects:

·  Outline of the climate emergency, biodiversity and air quality challenges;

·  Key actions for individuals;

·  Overview of the climate conversation;

·  Feedback on response rate from the area;

·  Direct engagement undertaken / planned with the area;

·  Local involvement in anti-idling campaign;

·  Community car free day roll out


Throughout the presentation, George highlighted the following points:

·  The Big Leeds Climate Conversation will help develop a citywide plan to work towards becoming a carbon-neutral city by 2030 following the council’s climate emergency declaration earlier this year

·  Engagement has taken place with residents, Trade Unions, public sector organisations, businesses and third sector

·  Introduction of The Clean Air Charging Zone (CAZ)

·  Raising awareness of engine idling with signs, leaflets, active engagement and a series of poster competitions in schools

·  Following the Clean Air Day, a series of eleven community-led free car days have been planned

·  Improving public transport as part of Connecting Leeds and long-term Leeds City Region Connectivity transport strategies – both developed in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority

·  An electric bike and van scheme for businesses and continual communications work to promote behaviour change

·  There has been 29 events for the Climate Conversation, and of that, 1913 surveys have been filled out, with an addition of 540 shortened versions

·  Approximately 7.1 million tonnes of food is thrown away and of that, 70% is fit for consumption

·  23 million has been secured of government funding to support packages for affected businesses

·  In the Inner North East Area, 4 schools are taking part in the air quality schools programme:

o  Gledhow Primary;

o  Moor Allerton Hall;

o  St John’s; and

o  Carr Manor Primary


Members and residents were opened up to a discussion to provide information in relation to the best route on how to engage with the community, the barriers to change in the locality and suggestions of areas for tree planting and improving biodiversity.


Members of the Committee and residents, discussed the following points:

·  The definition of ‘good’ quality air and the method in how air is calculated

·  The need to take pets and children into consideration when looking at factors in how we make a difference

·  The identified issue with front gardens being paved over, resulting in a loss of greenspace. In addition, a concern was raised with the provision of space for electric vehicle charging, and a worry that further paving would be an issue. George added a planning group has been set up, to look at how planning powers are enforced

·  The need to increase grass verges with wild flowers. George confirmed a paper is going to the relevant Scrutiny Board for Parks and Countryside to look at those specific issues. A member added Meannwood Park is undergoing being re-wilding and suggested that Roundhay Golf Course be looked at, as an option for a nature reserve subject to resources.

·  The need to ensure the types of trees are looked at when planted near a pavement, to take into consideration wheelchairs and pushchairs

·  Councillor Charlwood requested that figures for monitoring stations in the Inner North East Area be provided outside of the meeting

·  Hydrogen gas infrastructure. George confirmed that Leeds Council are supporting Northern Gas with trials to demonstrate and ensure the safety of hydrogen before this provision is looked at

·  To ensure the Council work with residents on areas for tree planting, and volunteers

·  The need to use social media as a means of getting the message out and going to events in the locality. George added the twitter account had been re-branded to reflect clean air and that a social media campaign has been scheduled

·  More work to be carried out in relation to idling.


The Chair thanked George Munson, and those officers in attendance. The Committee requested that those officer attend a future Community Committee meeting to report back on further updates arising from the ‘conversation’, and from the Executive Board meeting scheduled to take place in December 2019.



a)  To note the contents of the report, and information provided during the meeting;

b)  To note the intention to receive a further update at a future Community Committee meeting date


Supporting documents: