Agenda item

Leeds Local Development Framework : Core Strategy Consultation

To consider and comment on the Leeds Local Development Framework Core Strategy consultation document.


This Core Strategy Consultation Document has been circulated separately.


The Chair welcomed Members of the Forum to the meeting and thanked them for attending the Special Meeting of the Forum to consider the consultation on Leeds Local Development Framework (LDF): Core Strategy. The Forum welcomed David Feeney, Head of Planning and Economic Policy to the meeting  who was present to provide a background to the LDF Core Strategy and to answer questions.


In considering the questions contained in the consultation the Forum resolved to only answer questions which fell into the jurisdiction of the Leeds Local Access Forum as outlined in the Forum’s Terms of Reference and Guidance issued by Defra. Members of the Forum were advised that they were also able to respond to the consultation on an individual basis if they wished to.


The Forum’s response is outlined below:


1. Do you agree with the strategic Aims and Objectives?



2. No response


3. The Core Strategy needs to ensure that new development does not further worsen flood risk. This should be undertaken by:


c) Allowing residential development in any of the zone 3 high flood risk area providing it helps fulfil regeneration objectives and measures are in place to mitigate the effects of flooding.


4. The Core Strategy needs to ensure economic growth is achieved, whilst protecting and enhancing the natural environment. This should be undertaken by the development of green infrastructure, by


a)  Increasing the quantity of greenspace, by requiring new development to provide it. Y

b)  Reviewing the quantity of greenspace, to identify where it is not needed and could be used for alternative uses (including housing), to provide funds to improve the quality of other greenspaces Y

c)  Protecting and enhancing natural habitats, and identifying and mapping opportunities for habitat creation and restoration Y

d)  Protecting areas of special landscape quality Y


Comments: (b) The LLAF considers that the Review should take into consideration both quality and quantity of greenspaces. The completion of the Definitive Map for the central area of Leeds is an important contributor to the audit of greenspace linkages


5. The Core Strategy needs to make the most of its built environment and enhance the quality of places: This should be undertaken by:


a)  Identifying, protecting, and promoting heritage and the distinctive positive character of different areas, in


ii. throughout the district


Comments: The Strategy should acknowledge that the character-elements, such as ginnels, pack horse routes, paving, bridges etc, of historic Public Rights of Way are maintained.


6. Leeds needs to minimise the amount of waste arising. This should be undertaken by:


a)  Encouraging the treatment of waste at the highest possible level of the waste hierarchy Y

b)  Encouraging the processing of waste to add value and avoid landfill Y

7. No response


8. Criteria used to identify regeneration priority areas.


Do you think there are any additional criteria which should be used to identify regeneration priority areas? N


Comments: The LLAF particularly welcomes the inclusion of bullet point 9 (Urban areas with poor physical links to surrounding communities and the City Centre)


9. Regeneration Areas


Bearing in mind the criteria for identifying regeneration areas as listed in question 8, are there any other areas, which should be identified as a regeneration priority? N


10. Which options on Greenfield sites do you agree with?:


a)  Greenfield sites on the edge of urban areas should be held back from development until such time as the supply of housing from brownfield site development is insufficient to meet the housing requirements. This will mean intensifying the rate of development in urban areas with higher densities; and building on surplus greenspace and employment land, Y

b)  Strategies should be developed for the early release of Greenfield sites in the most sustainable locations in order to better meet needs for houses (as opposed to flats) and affordable dwellings. All sites would have to have sufficient levels of public transport and other necessary community infrastructure and meet high standards of sustainable design and construction N


11. No response


12. No response


13. No response


14.  Leeds needs to provide higher housing densities in order to both meet housing targets and to create sustainable communities. In particular, should the highest densities be promoted at the following locations:


  1. In the City Centre Y
  2. In town and district centres Y
  3. On public transport nodes (such as railway stations) Y
  4. On the edges of city centre locations Y


15. No response


16. No response


17. No response


18. No response


19. No response


20. No response


21. No response


22. No response


23. No response


24. No response


25. Leeds needs to maximise opportunities for people to improve their health and well being. How should this be undertaken?


a)  Provision of a green infrastructure throughout the District Y

b)  Improved provision of public sports hall and leisure centres

c)  Provision of safe, car free routes for cycling and walking Y

d)  Retain and where possible increase the provision of allotments Y


Responses to (b) and (e) are not within the LLAF’s remit.


Comments: Add improved access for disabled and equestrian activities. The local Council should also aspire to improve Public Rights of Way not just maintain them. This could include greater emphasis on Public Rights of Way Improvement Plan.


26. No response


27. Leeds wants to provide greater choice in travel options open to people in order to encourage the use of the most sustainable forms of transport. Which of the following measures do you think will be most effective?


b) High quality public transport systems Y

f) Business and school travel plans to ensure sustainable transport patterns in existing and new developments Y


Comments: There should also be focus on Access from Homes to greenspace and Recreation areas as well as providing good connections between homes and work.


28. No response


29. No response


The Secretary of the Forum advised Members that the responses would be included into one document and submitted shortly.


RESOLVED: That the response of the formal Forum be agreed and forwarded to the responsible officer.