Issue - decisions

A64 Bus, Walking & Cycling Corridor Project (Phase 1+) Injection of funding and amendment to existing Funding Agreement with West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA)

12/03/2024 - A64 Bus, Walking & Cycling Corridor Project (Phase 1+) Injection of funding and amendment to existing Funding Agreement with West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA)

The Chief Officer, Highways and Transportation:

a)  approved the injection of an additional £2.3m from the Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) into Leeds City Council’s (LCC) Capital Programme, following approval of the OBC by WYCA on 16/11/2023; increasing the total budget allocation to £4.98m;

b)  gave approval to spend the additional development funding of £561,000 to enable further work to progress on the detailed design and FBC tasks;

c)  gave approval to enter into a Deed of Variation (DoV), to amend the existing funding agreement with WYCA, to cover the additional development funding (£561,000).