Issue - decisions

Leeds Let's Get Active

18/11/2013 - Leeds Let's Get Active

The Director of City Development and the Director of Public Health submitted a joint report providing further information relating to the City Council’s ‘Leeds Let’s Get Active’ bid to Sport England’s “Get Healthy, Get into Sport” health pilot programme. In addition, the report sought retrospective support for the ‘Leeds Let’s Get Active’ bid and approval to accept a grant offer.


Members welcomed the report and highlighted the fact that it was a good example of effective cross-directorate working.


Responding to an enquiry, the Board received details in relation to how users would be able to access the scheme.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report be noted and that the ‘Leeds Let’s Get Active’ project be supported.


(b)  That approval be given for the Director of City Development to accept the Sport England grant funding award of £500,000.


(c)  That a report be submitted to the Board at the end of the project, evaluating the outcomes arising from it.