Issue - decisions

Sustainable Communities Investment Programme - Cross Green Group Repair Phase 2 and 3

14/11/2013 - Sustainable Communities Investment Programme: Cross Green Group Repair Phase 2 and 3

Further to Minute No. 173, 15th February 2013, the Director of Environment and Housing submitted a report which sought approval to authorise the injection of £4,050,000 into the capital programme for Cross Green Group Repair Phase 2 and 3. This total included the approval to inject £300,000 into the capital programme for contributions from the owner occupiers and the £3,750,000 previously agreed by Executive Board.

The Board highlighted the need for investment and regeneration in this particular area, and the benefits which would be gained from it.  In addition, officers responded to an enquiry regarding the Sustainable Communities Investment Programme and whether the funding from it could potentially be accessed for other areas.


a)  That an injection of £300,000 in owner’s contributions towards the overall cost of the group repair scheme in Cross Green as part of the Sustainable Communities Investment Programme, be authorised.

b)  That scheme expenditure of £4,050,000 on Gross Green Phase 2 and 3 be authorised.

c)  That the management of the project within the agreed budget be delegated to the Director of Environment and Housing, including ensuring that wherever possible, local labour, training and supply chains are used by the chosen contractor as part of the delivery of the schemes.