Issue - decisions

Review of Allotments

14/11/2013 - The Future Management and Pricing Arrangements for Allotments

The Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing submitted a report which summarised the findings from the consultation exercise undertaken in respect of service delivery in this area and which provided recommendations on the future management and pricing arrangements for allotments.


Members discussed the nature of the consultation exercise which had been undertaken on this issue. In addition, the Board also considered the proportion of allotments which were currently self managed, and in response to a Member’s comments, it was noted that further work would be undertaken to encourage more sites to become self managed in the future. 



(a)  That a phased price increase commencing in autumn 2014 to recover £50,000 subsidy, with a £15,000 above inflation rise in 2015 and 2016, projecting a full subsidy recovery of £80,000 in 2016/17, be approved.


(b)  That approval be given to Allotment Associations being given notice to terminate the existing lease on 29th September 2013 to allow a renegotiation based upon the Allotment Associations keeping 32% of allotment rental by 2016/17 (which with the proposed price increases is the equivalent in monetary terms to the value currently retained).

(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor Golton required it to be recorded that he voted against the matters included within this minute, whilst Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the matters included within this minute)