Issue - decisions

Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme

14/11/2013 - Leeds (River Aire) Flood Alleviation Scheme

The Director of City Development submitted a report which provided an update on the progress of the proposals to provide flood defences for the City of Leeds and which also sought approval to the tender for the detailed design and construction of the mitigation works downstream of the city centre at Woodlesford.



(a)  That an injection of funding into the Capital Programme of £3,362,000 from the Regional Growth Fund, and £23,000,000 from the Defra Growth Fund be approved.


(b)  That authority be given to the expenditure from the Regional Growth Fund and Defra Growth Fund of £3,638,800 for the initial development and design of the Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme and for the implementation of advance mitigation works in Woodlesford.