Issue - decisions

Basic Need Programme - Outcome of consultation on proposals to increase primary provision in Farsley

25/02/2014 - Outcome of consultation on proposals to increase primary provision in Farsley

Further to Minute No. 54, 17th July 2013, the Director of Children’s Services submitted a report providing details of a linked proposal brought forward to meet the local authority’s duty to ensure sufficiency of school places. Specifically, the report sought permission to publish a statutory notice in relation to the expansion of Farsley Westroyd Infant School and Farsley Springbank Junior School.


A Member raised some specific concerns in respect of the proposals, highlighting the view that such matters needed to be addressed at the earliest opportunity. 



(a)  That approval be given to the publication of a statutory notice to:

·  expand Farsley Westroyd Infant School from a capacity of 180 pupils to 210 pupils and raise the upper age limit from 7 to 11 with effect from September 2015; and

·  expand Farsley Springbank Junior School from a capacity of 240 pupils to 420 pupils and change the lower age limit from 7 to 4 with effect from September 2015.


(b)  That it be noted that the officer responsible for implementation of such matters is the Capacity, Planning and Sufficiency Lead.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)