Issue - decisions

The Community Infrastructure Levy: Draft Charging Schedule Submission Version (Incorporating Modifications)

07/04/2014 - The Community Infrastructure Levy: Draft Charging Schedule Submission Version (Incorporating Modifications)

The Chief Planning Officer has:

i) Agreed the minor modifications to the CIL Draft Charging Schedule as set out in the Submission Version (Incorporating Modifications), in order to proceed with 4 weeks public consultation on the modifications

ii) Agreed for the Draft Charging Schedule Submission Version (Incorporating Modifications) and all associated evidence base and documents to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for subsequent examination, including the Council’s responses to the representations received on the Draft Charging Schedule.

iii) Noted that the following steps will be undertaken in order to deliver this decision:
a. The Draft Charging Schedule Submission Version (Incorporating Modifications) and Statement of Modifications will be published for public consultation. This material and all associated evidence base and documents will be submitted to the examiner along with any representations received on the Modifications. Following the examination and receipt of the inspector’s report and any further modifications required there would need to be a Full Council resolution to adopt the CIL.

b. The timescales for the implementation of this decision are that it is intended to submit the Schedule and commence the 4 weeks public consultation by the end of March 2014. The subsequent timetable will depend on the Core Strategy progress and capacity of the Planning Inspectorate.

c. The Chief Planning Officer is the officer responsible for implementation.