Issue - decisions

Support to the Leeds Rail Growth Package (LRGP) — Agreement of Legal Documentation

15/04/2014 - Support to the Leeds Rail Growth Package (LRGP) — Agreement of Legal Documentation

In accordance with the delegation agreed at the meeting of the Executive Board on the 19th June 2013, the Deputy Chief Executive, the Director of City Development and the City Solicitor approved the terms of legal documents so as to provide assistance to GMV Twelve Limited to facilitate the delivery of the LRGP.
Executive Board at its meeting on the 19 June 2013 approved a report proposing that the Council provide support to the LRGP. It set out that the Council had been approached by CEG Ltd who are managing the development of the former Kirkstall Forge site on behalf of the owner of the site GMV Twelve Ltd to provide financial assistance to enable them to meet their planning obligations to contribute to the LGRP and to carry out associated highway infrastructure access works at the Kirkstall Forge Site. The report recognised that the proposed Kirkstall Forge Scheme (both the construction of the rail halt and the development of the adjoining land) is of strategic importance to the city and the city region and that there are sound economic reasons for the Council supporting GMV Twelve in meeting their obligations. That report also included agreed heads of terms, which provides for the Council's investment to be repaid in accordance with a schedule of repayments over a 10 year period to commence 6 months after the first sale of a residential property at the site, but no later than 1st April 2018.
The Deputy Chief Executive, the Director of City Development and the City Solicictor in taking their decision received a report setting out the terms of the legal agreement, Appendix A and B of this report are exempt from publication as they contains information relating to the financial and business affairs of GMV Twelve and the Council. The public interest in maintaining the exemption in relation to this matter outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information by reason of the fact that Appendix A and B contains information and financial details which, if disclosed, would adversely affect the business of the Council and GMV Twelve.