Issue - decisions

Request to waive Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs) 9.1 and 9.2 using the authority set out in CPR 1.3 to enter into a new contract for the Supply, Maintenance and Repair of Wheeled Shower Chairs with Prism Medical UK for a period of 12 months with an

31/07/2014 - Request to waive Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs) 9.1 and 9.2 using the authority set out in CPR 1.3 to enter into a new contract for the Supply, Maintenance and Repair of Wheeled Shower Chairs with Prism Medical UK for a period of 12 months with an

The Deputy Director, Adult Social Care, approved the recommendation to:

Waive CPRs 9.1 and 9.2 using the authority set out in CPR 1.3 to enter into a short term contract for the supply, maintenance and repair of Modular Wheeled Shower Chairs with Prism Medical UK on a 1 year + 2 additional extension period of 6 months each.

Approve the availability of this contract on a city wide basis across all Leeds City Council departments. This will allow departments other that Adult Social Care to use the benefits of this contract. The proposed timescale for implementation is 20th June 2014.

The Service Manager- Leeds Community Equipment and Tele Care Services will be the officer responsible for the implementation.