Issue - decisions

Sports Maintenance Works

25/09/2014 - Sports Maintenance Works

The Director of City Development has:


Noted that the full £1.5m was injected into the capital programme in February 2014.

Noted the additional £25k of funding from the England Squash and Racketball Association and approve the injection of the £25k into the scheme.

Approved authority to spend £525k on maintenance and refurbishment works at the following leisure centres:

·  Aireborough Leisure Centre

·  John Charles Centre for Sport

·  Garforth Leisure Centre

·  Fearnville Leisure Centre

·  John Smeaton Leisure Centre

·  Pudsey Leisure Centre

·  Rothwell Leisure Centre

·  Wetherby Leisure Centre

·  Middleton Leisure Centre

·  Leeds Sailing and Activity Centre