Issue - decisions

Improvement and Development of Tropical World Visitor Services at the Arnold and Marjorie Ziff Tropical World in Roundhay Park Capital Scheme Number: 16504 / PH2

21/08/2014 - Improvement and Development of Tropical World Visitor Services at the Arnold and Marjorie Ziff Tropical World in Roundhay Park Capital Scheme Number: 16504 / PH2

The Deputy Chief Executive is requested to:

1. Approve the injection of an additional £95k, funded from prudential borrowing, into capital scheme 16504 PH2 to support the conservatory and toilet block refurbishments.

The Chief Officer Parks and Countryside is requested to:

2. Approve additional authority to spend of £95k on capital scheme 16504 PH2 for the conservatory and toilet block refurbishments, which will bring the total ATS to £710k.