Issue - decisions

Oakwood Lane, Gipton - Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Capital Scheme Number 32106/000/000

11/09/2014 - Oakwood Lane, Gipton - Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Capital Scheme Number 32106/000/000

The Acting Head of Transport Policy:
i) noted the contents of this report;

ii) approved, subject to public consultation, the detailed design and implementation of a scheme to introduce a pedestrian crossing sited just to the north of Oakwood Lanes junction with Oak Tree Drive, as shown on the attached drawing number TM_E/14.3/4-02a
iii) gave authority to incur expenditure of £36,000 comprising £30,000 works costs and, £6,000 staff costs funded from the LTP Transport Policy Capital Programme;

iv) gave authority to publish a Section 23 Notice under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to inform the public of the proposals; and

v) Instructed the City Solicitor to draft, advertise and arrange to display on site a Notice under the provisions of Section 90C of the Highways Act 1980 for the traffic calming proposal, as show on drawing number TM_E/14.3/4-02a and, if no valid iobjections are received, to implement the proposals as advertised.