Issue - decisions

To approve the additional spend of £500k to support additional energy efficiency measure as part of Phase 2 and 3 of Cross Green Group Repair

22/09/2014 - To approve the additional spend of £500k to support additional energy efficiency measure as part of Phase 2 and 3 of Cross Green Group Repair

The Director of Environment and Housing agreed to the additonal spend of £500k from the overall Sustainable Communities Improvement Programme to support the provision of Green Deal/ECO works as part of phase 2 and 3 of Cross Green Group Repair. To approve the transfer of £525k Green Deal scheme 16698/KEE/000 to support the provision of additional energy efficiency works. Following recent changes to Government funding a new financial model has been devised to allow the orginal Green Deal/ECO works still be provided. This requests additional financial support from the Councilinorder to lever in additional external funding to support the programme.