Issue - decisions

2014/ 2015 20mph schemes – Coppice Wood, Otley and Yeadon / Guiseley and Rawdon

31/10/2014 - 2014/ 2015 20mph schemes – Coppice Wood, Otley and Yeadon / Guiseley and Rawdon

The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation):

i) authorised, subject to public consultation and the WBI funding confirmation, the detailed design and implementation of a scheme to introduce a 20 mph zone, including traffic calming features on Coppice Wood Avenue, in the Coppice Wood area of Otley and Yeadon / Guiseley and Rawdon.

ii) gave authority to advertise a Notice for the road humps that conforms with the Highways Act 1980 (90c Notice);

iii) Instructed the City Solicitor to:
a) advertise a draft Speed Limit Order, to introduce a 20 mph zone in the Coppice Wood area of Otley and Yeadon / Guiseley and Rawdon, as shown on drawing TMW/27/1952/HB;

b) advertise a draft Traffic Regulation Order to introduce a formal restriction, subject to consultation with the individual school, on the existing school keep clear markings outside of Queensway Primary School as shown on drawing TMW/27/1952/HB and, if no valid objections are received to make and seal the orders and implement the traffic calming proposals as advertised .