Issue - decisions

HS2 and HS3 Update - Towards a HS2/HS3 Growth Strategy

22/12/2014 - Response to Sir David Higgins report: 'Rebalancing Britain from HS2 towards a national transport strategy'

Further to Minute No. 162, 22nd January 2014, the Director of City Development submitted a report which provided a response to Sir David Higgins’ report entitled, ‘Rebalancing Britain from HS2 towards a national transport strategy’. The report presented the main principles for the development of the Council’s policy in relation to HS2 and HS3 and considered how the Council could realise the regeneration and economic growth benefits of enhanced connectivity.


Members highlighted the significance of the HS2 project when considering the future long term economic competitiveness of the Leeds City Region.


RESOLVED – That in noting the in principle support for HS2 provided by Executive Board on 15th February 2013, together with the Board’s approval of the formal representation to the HS2 Phase Two proposed line of route consultation in January 2014, the following be approved:-

(i)  The Board welcomes the support for the Eastern leg and strategic proposition of HS2 and HS3, provided for by the Sir David Higgins report ‘Rebalancing Britain from HS2 towards a national transport strategy’;

(ii)  The Board agrees to the Council taking a leading role in the Sir David Higgins Leeds station working group, in order to find the optimum solution for the arrival and integration of, HS2 and HS3 into Leeds City Centre, which supports both the growth of rail through the creation of a major rail interchange in Leeds City Centre, and meets our local connectivity, place making and regeneration ambitions;

(iii)  The Board requests that officers continue to work with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) and district partners to develop an integrated HS2 transport connectivity package, which spreads the benefits of HS2 across the Leeds City Region;

(iv)  The Board requests that officers continue to develop a Masterplan for the area surrounding the HS2 station location, in order to inform the development of the Council’s policy position that will maximise both the social, physical and economic benefits from the arrival of HS2;

(v)   The Board requests that officers continue to press HS2 Ltd and the Government on the mitigation of the line of route and to review compensation arrangements for those adversely affected by the line of route;

(vi)   The Board requests that officers work with the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) in order to develop a HS2 jobs and skills legacy through the City Region Skills Network;

(vii)   The Board requests that officers work in partnership with Northern City Region colleagues on the development of proposals for formalising co-operation across the North through ‘Transport for the North’;

(viii)   The Board requests that officers work collaboratively with HS2 Ltd and Central Government in order to develop proposals for a Council led regeneration delivery vehicle that has the appropriate funding powers and flexibilities to deliver the city’s vision for HS2;

(ix)   The Board instructs the Director of City Development to co-ordinate the work as resolved above and to submit a progress report to Executive Board in 2015, outlining the progress from the Sir David Higgins Leeds Station working group, subsequent response to the Government’s request for HS2 Growth Strategies, together with the Council’s next steps.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor Golton required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)