Issue - decisions

Monthly Financial Health report 2014/15

23/03/2015 - Financial Health Monitoring 2014/15 - Month 10

The Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report presenting the Council’s projected financial position for 2014/15 after ten months of the financial year. In addition, the report also highlighted the key issues impacting upon the overall achievement of the budget for the current year.


The Board noted the improved position with regard to the Council’s financial health projection, given that at month 10 of the financial year, an underspend of £0.2m was projected.


Responding to an enquiry, the Board received an update on the work being undertaken to address the level of disrepair claims being made against the Council and also received further information on the Council’s programme of annual tenancy visits.


RESOLVED – That the projected financial position of the authority after ten months of 2014/2015 be noted.