Issue - decisions

Request to waive Contract Procedure Rules (CPR's) 9.1 and 9.2 using the authority set out in CPR 1.3 to enter into a new contract with the existing 3rd sector mental health providers for one additional year until 31st March 2017

27/01/2015 - Request to waive Contract Procedure Rules (CPR's) 9.1 and 9.2 using the authority set out in CPR 1.3 to enter into a new contract with the existing 3rd sector mental health providers for one additional year until 31st March 2017

The Director of Adult Social Services recommended the waiver of Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs) 9.1 and 9.2 using the authority set out in CPR 1.3 to enter into a new contract with the existing 3rd sector mental health providers listed in appendix 1 for a further year until 31st March 2017.

Mental health commissioners will re issue the contracts in writing immediately after the call in period.