Issue - decisions

Waiver of the Contract Procedure Rule(s) in order to enter into contracts with organisations for the delivery of youth work from April 2015

19/02/2015 - Waiver of the Contract Procedure Rule(s) in order to enter into contracts with organisations for the delivery of youth work from April 2015

The Deputy Director, Learning, Skills & Universal Services agreed to:
* approve the waiver of the following Contracts Procedure Rule(s):
Contract Procedure Rules No. 8.1 and 8.2 - intermediate value procurements and award a contract to the providers listed in Appendix 1 in the sum of the values listed in Appendix 1. The contracts shall commence on the 1st April 2015 and expire on the 30th September 2015.
* Approve that the following providers receive payment in advance for their contract:
* Armley Juniors
* Better Leeds Communities
* City of Leeds Hawksworth Wood YMCA
* Getaway Girls
* Shantona Womens Centre
* The Cardigan Centre
* The Hamara Healthy Living Centre
* The Market Place
* Youthstation