Issue - decisions

Development of Virtual School Team

20/03/2015 - Development of Virtual School Team

The Director of Children's Services approved the proposals for the development of the Virtual School in Leeds. This would be achieved by (please see appendix 1):

* The-designation of the post of Quality Manager 11-19 to Virtual School Education Advisor.

* The re-designation of the posts of Virtual College Education Resource Coordinator and Quality Assessor 11-19 to Virtual School Education Consultants.
The re-designation of the post of Quality Protects Support to Virtual School Education Mentor.

* A post of Applications and Information Officer funded through existing budget (retained following ELI) to enable the required level of monitoring, tracking and reporting on pupil progress linked to the allocation of the pupil premium and the capacity of the Virtual School to intervene when children looked after are not making expected levels of progress and educational attainment/achievement. (please see Appendix 2)

* Waiver of CPR 8 to allow the procurement of an on-line pupil progress tracking solution that will enhance the ability of the virtual school to assess the impact of pupil premium spend, enable better accountability of schools to the attainment of children who are looked after and contribute to high quality personal education plans that are effective in driving up attainment and achievement (please see Appendix 3).

* To accommodate the re-designation of posts from the 11-19 Quality Team into the virtual school, the commensurate re-alignment of the post of 11-19 Quality Support Officer from the 11 – 19 School Improvement team to the School to Work Transition team.