Issue - decisions

S278 Works Associated With The Merrion House redevelopment, Leeds Capital Scheme Number : 32261

29/04/2015 - S278 Works Associated With The Merrion House redevelopment, Leeds Capital Scheme Number : 32261

The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation):
i) noted the principles of the highway works to provide a lay-by on Merrion Way for drop off / pick up and disabled parking;
ii) approved an injection of £16,000 into the City Development Department Capital programme for the Merrion Way works;
iii) gave authority to incur expenditure of £6,000 TRO costs and £10,000 staff checking and inspection costs, all to be fully rechargeable to the developer through the Section 278 agreement;
iv) requested the City Solicitor to advertise a draft traffic regulation order to make part of the lay-by on Merrion Way limited waiting and part disabled parking and to rescind the existing disabled parking order on the north side of Merrion Way and, if no valid objections are received to make, seal and implement the order as advertised;
v) approved the inclusion of an obligation in the S278 Agreement for the developer to pay to the Council the sum of £102,418 towards the Clay Pit Lane and Woodhouse Lane junction improvement; and
vi) gave authority to negotiate the terms of and enter into an agreement with the developer under the provisions of Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980.