Issue - decisions

West Yorkshire Playhouse

24/07/2015 - West Yorkshire Playhouse

The Director of City Development submitted a report regarding potential investment from the Council for the development and future sustainability of West Yorkshire Playhouse alongside an application to Arts Council England. In addition, the report also looked to establish the approach to any future developments in terms of a partnership with the Playhouse itself.


Members highlighted the significance and timing of the proposals detailed within the submitted report, specifically when considering the new Victoria Gate development which was adjacent to the playhouse site. The Board highlighted the need to ensure that there was effective connectivity between the playhouse and its surrounding area, such as the Victoria Gate development.  


Following consideration of Appendices 1 and 2 to the submitted report, designated as exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was



(a)  That in principle agreement be given to a contribution up to a value of £4.9m in order to bridge the funding gap in the scheme (of which £586K is already in the Capital Programme), pending a successful application to Arts Council England;


(b)  That approval be given to the Council to work in partnership with the Playhouse and to act as lead for the management and procurement of the construction works;


(c)  That subject to a successful Stage 1 application, the Director of City Development be requested to submit a report to Executive Board on the detailed funding proposals for the scheme for injection into the Capital Programme;


(d)  That it be noted that the West Yorkshire Playhouse is committed to re-launching the building and organisation, with a brand that will more clearly associate it with the city, upon conclusion of the development;


(e)  That it be noted that the Chief Officer (Culture and Sport) will be responsible for the implementation of such matters.