Issue - decisions

Intelligent Council

23/06/2015 - Intelligent Council

In April 2015, a paper was taken to CLT reviewing the progress made in strengthening the council’s approach to intelligence across the council and how intelligence functions can be best arranged in the future to ensure a professional service that contributes to efficiencies the council is trying to achieve.
A key challenge in organising the intelligence function has been balancing the opportunities for integration, with the need to ensure Directorate’s priorities are catered for. As a result, in April 2015, CLT have endorsed an amended approach to the initiative that was originally agreed by CLT in April 2014. The new approach will maintain professional leadership in a single team leader.
To achieve this a matrix team approach will be established, with staff and budgets returning to original directorates and efficiencies included for the service allocated to Directorates.
It is envisaged that the matrix team will meet regularly with its primary focus on the core work programme, with clear roles, accountabilities and contributions agreed.
This approach will aim to capitalise on the closer working relationships built over the last 18 months by maintaining leadership in a single team leader and the agreement of core activity and responsibilities. It will be built around a common work programme to co-ordinate activity, providing common agreed outputs and a single point of access for key data and intelligence.
Arrangements have been made to return appropriate staff (and associated budgets) to their home Directorates from 1st July 2015. In terms of allocating the savings, the April BCDT agreed a formula based on allocation via a flat rate (£30k per Directorate) and relative size of intelligence function in Directorates as per the original BBM mapping exercise.