Issue - decisions

Waiver of Contract Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2 in order to enter into a contract with Sportsafe Ltd for the inspection, repairs and maintenance of sports equipment in schools, gyms and leisure centres in Leeds

21/08/2015 - Waiver of Contract Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2 in order to enter into a contract with Sportsafe Ltd for the inspection, repairs and maintenance of sports equipment in schools, gyms and leisure centres in Leeds

The Deputy Director, Learning, approved the waiver of the following Contract Procedure Rule(s): Contract Procedure Rules No. 8.1 and 8.2 - Intermediate value procurements, and award a contract to Sportsafe Ltd for a sum in the region of £60,000 per anum. The contract shall commence on the 16th September 2015 and expire on the 15th September 2016.