Issue - decisions

Request to Waive Contract Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2 to upgrade the Leeds City Council Airviro Air Quality Data Management and Modelling system without seeking competition.

02/09/2016 - Request to Waive Contract Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2 to upgrade the Leeds City Council Airviro Air Quality Data Management and Modelling system without seeking competition.

The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation):

i) approved the waiver of Contract Procedure Rules: 8.1 and 8.2 (Intermediate Value Procurement) and approve the upgrade of the Airviro Air Quality Date Management and Modelling application from V3.12 to V4 at a cost of £15,800 and £4,600 to cover the costs of installation of the Application without seeking competition;

ii) approved the expenditure of £2,300 on provision of a new higher specification server; and

iii) approved the expenditure of necessary internal staff fees within ICT to ensure that the installation of the above is managed correctly within our corporate IT infrastructure.