Issue - decisions

Roundhay Park Tropical World Phase 1

01/12/2016 - Roundhay Park Tropical World Phase 1

The Deputy Chief Executive was requested to;
Approve the injection of £66k into capital scheme 32648 from unsupported prudential borrowing.
The Chief Officer Parks and Countryside was requested to;
To approve the transfer and injection of funds to the value of £28.1k from the capital scheme 16504\AQU\000 into capital scheme 32648.
Approve the injection of £99.5k into the capital programme from residual grant receipts held on account within the Parks and Countryside service budget into capital scheme 32648.
Provide Authority to spend on capital scheme 32648 to value of £193.6k.
That the Senior Projects Officer Parks and Countryside be responsible for implementing the recommendations within this report and ensuring that the necessary capital works are implemented and completed promptly.