Issue - decisions

S278 Works associated with the development of 325 dwellings at Spofforth Hill, Wetherby Capital Scheme Number: 32644

24/01/2017 - S278 Works associated with the development of 325 dwellings at Spofforth Hill, Wetherby Capital Scheme Number: 32644

The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation):
i) noted the principles of the highway works as outlined in Section 6.2 and shown on Drawing Numbers 7029/020 Rev C and 7029/021 Rev C as shown at Appendix 3 of this report;
ii) gave authority to negotiate the terms of and enter into an agreement with the developer under the provisions of Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980; whereby the works associated with the development are carried out by this Council at the cost of the developer;
iii) gave authority to incur expenditure of £53,000 works costs, excluding any statutory undertakers costs; and £20,000 staff fees to be fully funded by the developer through the S278 Agreement;
iv) requested the City Solicitor to advertise a notice under Section 23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 for the implementation of a formal pedestrian crossing on Spofforth Hill; and
v) gave authority to carry out the detailed design, tender and implement the works as set out in Section 6.2.