Issue - decisions

Arrangements for the interim transfer of agency staff from Leeds South and East Clinical Commissioning Group to Leeds City Council

24/02/2017 - Arrangements for the interim transfer of agency staff from Leeds South and East Clinical Commissioning Group to Leeds City Council

The Director of Adult Social Services approved the recommendation to waive Contracts Procedure Rules no 8.1 and 8.2, intermediate value procurements, and place an order for an agency worker directly with Practicus without seeking competition to cover an interim period of up to 6 months to work on the Procurement and Estates enabling programme of the Leeds Health and Care Plan, commencing on 1st February 2017, whilst the fixed-term posts to continue this programme of work are finalised and recruited to.
This decision will be implemented with immediate effect by Steve Hume, Chief Officer Resources and Strategy. This will maintain continuity of the development and delivery of the Leeds Plan as agreed at the Leeds Health and Care Partnership Executive Group on 6th October 2016.