Issue - decisions

Hunslet Riverside Regeneration Delivery Plan

24/04/2017 - Hunslet Riverside Regeneration Delivery Plan

Further to Minute No. 52, 23rd September 2015, the Director of City Development submitted a report which provided an update on the Hunslet Riverside area of the South Bank and which sought approval of the Hunslet Riverside Regeneration Delivery Plan, together with a range of actions towards the Plan’s implementation.


In presenting the report, the Executive Member for Regeneration, Transport and Planning reflected on the long standing role of the authority in shaping this area of the city and the Council’s continuing ambition for the area. 



(a)  That the progress already made in bringing forward development and investment schemes across Hunslet Riverside be noted, together with  the opportunities which still remain;


(b)  That the Hunslet Riverside Regeneration Delivery Plan be approved;


(c)  That it be noted that the Director of City Development will undertake to agree terms with Citu for the sale of Council land, at market value, for a primary school and further residential development;


(d)  That the progression of work to assemble land at Armouries Drive in order to unlock development potential and to support the public realm connectivity, as set out within paragraph 3.5.9 of the submitted report, be supported.