Issue - decisions

European Structural Funds Superfast West Yorkshire & York Project (SFWYY) - Authority to become a delivery partner in the SFWYY and enter into a partnership agreement iwth West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA)

19/06/2017 - European Structural Funds Superfast West Yorkshire & York Project (SFWYY) - Authority to become a delivery partner in the SFWYY and enter into a partnership agreement iwth West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA)

The Chief Officer Economy and Regeneration:

Approved the role of LCC as delivery partner in the SFWYY project.
Approved the signing of the associated partnership agreement with WYCA.
Instructed officers in the Economic Development team to carry out the duties / responsibilities as specified in the partnership agreement.
Authorised the establishment of a revenue budget of £577,080 over the period 2016/19 as a contribution towards associated LCC staff costs, funded through a cocktails of external funds.