Issue - decisions

Initiate contract extensions with Touchstone-Leeds to enable key public mental health services to be maintained in accordance with Contracts Procedure Rules 21.1 (contract extensions)

19/06/2017 - Initiate contract extensions with Touchstone-Leeds to enable key public mental health services to be maintained in accordance with Contracts Procedure Rules 21.1 (contract extensions)

This decision approves the initiation of the available provision to extend two contracts with Touchstone-Leeds for a 6 month period from 1st October 2017. These contracts deliver a community development worker service, which promotes health and wellbeing of people with mental health problems and a service to improve the health and wellbeing of people with mental health problems from BME communities.
These extensions will provide continuity of these longstanding public mental health services whilst Public Health completes the procurement and mobilisation of the new Mentally Healthy Leeds service, which will adopt an asset based community development approach within at risk communities to help build community capital and capacity, and strengthen individual mental resilience.
The value of the six month extension for both contracts is £148,525 and this will be met by the Public Health grant.