Issue - decisions

Request to waive contract procedures rules 9.1 and 9.2 to award a contract, without competition, to Leeds Community Healthcare Trust for delivery of psychological input into the therapeutic social work team.

27/06/2017 - Request to waive contract procedures rules 9.1 and 9.2 to award a contract, without competition, to Leeds Community Healthcare Trust for delivery of psychological input into the therapeutic social work team.

The Director of Children & Families agreed to waive contract procedures rules 9.1 and 9.2 to award a contract, without competition, to LCHT for delivery of psychological input into the therapeutic social work team. The contract will commence on 1st September 2017 and will be for 3 years; therefore expiring on the 31st August 2020. The contract will have two options to extend of 12 months. The contract value will be £93,652 in the first year. The value for the subsequent two years will be: year 1 £95,617 and year 2 £97,627. The contract will include two further periods to extend and therefore the maximum contract value will be £488k over the life of the contract.