Issue - decisions

The Director of Adults and Health approved the recommendation to expand proposed ‘Advocacy Support and Services’ contract procurement (reference number: YORE-96DJ4Q) to include additional statutory advocacy service –Independent Mental Capacity Advoca

09/08/2017 - The Director of Adults and Health approved the recommendation to expand proposed ‘Advocacy Support and Services’ contract procurement (reference number: YORE-96DJ4Q) to include additional statutory advocacy service –Independent Mental Capacity Advoca

The Director of Adults and Health approved the authorisation of the extension of the forthcoming advocacy procurement to incorporate both Advocacy Support and Services Contract and the IMCA Service.
The Commissioning Officer will liaise with Projects, Programmes and Procurement Unit (PPPU) regarding the procurement exercise to ensure the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and Contracts Procedure Rules (CPR) are adhered to. The decision will be implemented from April 2018.
The Director of Adults and Health will use her delegated authority to take commissioning decisions which will be a direct consequence of this significant operational decision, for example approval of the detailed specifications for procurement and subsequent contract awards. This is subject to the decisions being in line with the key principles and features as described in the report.