Issue - decisions

Highway Corridor Improvement Programme - Phase 1

25/09/2017 - Key Junction Improvements (CIP Phase 1)

The Director of City Development submitted a report which sought support for the development of junction improvement schemes at Dawson’s Corner, Dyneley Arms and Fink Hill, together with relevant approvals for ‘authority to spend’, from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority ‘Corridor Improvement Programme’ grant, in order to enable the progression of Phase 1 scheme development.


Members welcomed the proposals, highlighted the need to ensure that local Ward Members were kept informed and also emphasised the need for a comprehensive consultation exercise to be undertaken in respect of the three schemes.


With specific emphasis to Dawson’s Corner, a Member highlighted the need to ensure that the proposed changes enabled fluent traffic movement through the junction.



(a)  That in principle support be given to the development of junction improvement schemes at Dawson’s Corner, Dyneley Arms and Fink Hill, together with land acquisition where required, with it being noted that the West Yorkshire Combined Authority has approved in principle sufficient capital to substantially fund the implementation under the Corridor Improvement Programme (CIP);


(b)  That ‘authority to spend’ £1.525M, which is funded from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority CIP grant be approved in order to  enable Phase 1 of the scheme development, in advance of signing the grant funding agreements, if required;


(c)  That it be noted that officers will return to Executive Board in order to seek approval for the construction of Phase 1 schemes, subject to the outcome of the development work and consultation;


(d)  That it be noted that the Chief Officer Highways and Transportation is responsible for the programme delivery, with a substantial completion date of March 2021.