Issue - decisions

Call off from the Re-roofing and Associated Works framework for 2018/19 housing planned works.

06/03/2018 - Call off from the Re-roofing and Associated Works framework for 2018/19 housing planned works.

The Director of Resources and Housing agreed

1.  Approval of the call off from the Windows and Doors framework contract for up to a total of £2m for the financial year 2018/19 (year 1) work, to the contractors ranked first and second in the tender evaluation in line with the agreed selection process for year 1 works:

·  Anglian Windows Ltd – up to £1m of works

·  Kier Services Limited – up to £1m of works


2.  Approval of the call off from the Re-roofing and Associated Works framework contract for up to a total of £2m for the financial year 2018/19 (year 1) work, to the contractors ranked first and second in the tender evaluation in line with the agreed selection process for year 1 works:

·  A Connolly Ltd – up to £1m of works

·  Liberty Group – up to £1m of works