Issue - decisions

To approve proposed investment in new social housing as part of the Council Housing Growth Programme

26/11/2018 - Council Housing Growth Programme - Delivery of New Build Social Housing

The Director of Resources and Housing and the Director of City Development submitted a joint report providing an update on the Council Housing New Build Programme, and which set out proposals for the delivery of further new Council housing across the city.


In discussing the role of Housing Companies, it was noted that the Council would consider the establishment of Housing Companies, or other delivery vehicles in the future, if it was felt that they were an appropriate method of delivering Council housing provision at that time.


Responding to an enquiry, Members were advised that should the full allocation of the Homes England Grant not to be received, then further Right to Buy receipts could be utilised, and with this in mind, Members’ attention was drawn to the fact that the report sought the Board’s approval to delegate the decision regarding the final funding mix for each scheme to the Director of Resources and Housing in order to provide a degree of flexibility.


A Member commented upon the sole use of Council owned land for the proposed developments within the report and highlighted the need to ensure the delivery of mixed communities across the city in the future. In response, it was noted that Council owned sites had been identified in this instance in order to swiftly evidence the deliverability of the proposals, given that this was in response to a time limited bid framework from Government. However, it was noted that following the abolition of the HRA borrowing cap, in future a city wide search for appropriate sites would be undertaken, within the parameters of appropriate land values which were in line with social and affordable rents.



(a)  That the scope of the Council’s new housing scheme proposals be approved, and that the use of the sites included in Table 1 of the submitted report for the delivery of new general needs Council housing for social rent, also be approved; and that any decisions on disposal of Council land / acquisition of private land to facilitate these schemes be delegated to the Director of City Development;


(b)  That the proposed investment in delivery of new social housing as part of the Council Housing Growth Programme, be approved, with support being provided for any bids for funding which are required;


(c)  That the decision regarding the final funding mix for each housing  scheme taken forward  be delegated to the Director of Resources and Housing;


(d)  That the necessary authority to procure and award contract for each housing scheme be delegated to the Director of Resources and Housing;


(e)  That the position in relation to capital receipts arising from the inclusion of the identified sites in the programme, be noted;


(f)  That a further report regarding progress being made with the delivery of the programme be submitted to Executive Board in 2019.