Issue details

Lease at Less Than Best Consideration - Agreement to lease 4 miscellaneous properties to GIPSIL on a 21 year lease agreement

Approval for a Lease at Less Than Best Consideration to lease 4 miscellaneous properties to GIPSIL on a 21 year internal repairing lease agreement. The decision is key as the value of the decision exceeds the £250,000 threshold.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: Various;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/08/2014

Decision due: Not before 14th Sep 2014 by Director of Environment and Housing

Lead director: Director of Environment and Housing

Department: Environment and Neighbourhoods

Contact: Charlotte Underwood, Strategic Housing 0113 3781314 Email:

Consultation process

None Supplied


None Supplied



  • Lease at Less Than Best Consideration - Agreement to lease 4 miscellaneous properties to GIPSIL on a 21 year lease agreement