Issue details

Interim contract arrangements for housing related support services

To enter into interim contract arrangements with organisations providing housing related support services.  This approval is sought in order to maintain service provision whilst a major review of housing related support services is undertaken to determine future commissioning requirements. The combined cost of these interim contracts will be in excess of £250k per annum. 

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Decision status:

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/11/2014

Decision due: Not before 20th Dec 2014 by Director of Environment and Housing

Lead director: Director of Environment and Housing

Department: Environment and Neighbourhoods

Contact: Veena Kumar, Programme Management Officer 0113 247 6199 Email:

Consultation process

Consultation will take place with Lead Members and key stakeholders prior to the decision.


Wider detailed consultation will take place as part of the review process.  This is likely to include a number of methods such as Outcomes Based Accountability sessions, events, focus groups interviews and questionnaires


Lead Members, service providers, key stakeholders such as Housing and Children’s Services and Adult Social Care.

Service users, staff,  wider stakeholders of housing related support services including Housing Leeds, landlords, health and social care providers, neighbourhood networks, commissioners and the third sector.
