Issue details

Creation of additional posts, South Leeds Independence Centre and Suffolk Court Recovery Hubs

The Director of Adults & Health approved the creation of the following additional posts and hours to the staffing structure at SLIC and Suffolk Court which will be funded from income from the CCGs as part of the Community Care Beds Service:

-  2 x A1/A3 Receptionist

-  1 x A1/A3 Administrator

-  2 x C1 Community Engagement Worker

-  4 X C1 Assistant Managers

-  1 x SO1 Deputy Manager

-  83.64 hrs  Night Care Assistant hours

-  50.32 hrs  Day Care Assistant hours

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Beeston and Holbeck; Otley and Yeadon;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/09/2017

Decision due: 21 Sep 2017 by Director of Adults and Health

Lead director: Cath Roff

Department: Adult and Health

Contact: Shona McFarlane, Chief Officer Access and Care Delivery 01133783877 Email:


Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adults, 7.9.17

Ward Councillors, 19.9.17

Chair of Scrutiny Board Adults and Health, 8.9.17
