Issue - meetings

Improving Biodiversity in the District through the Planning System

Meeting: 07/02/2024 - Executive Board (Item 95)

95 A Habitat Banking Vehicle for Leeds City Council pdf icon PDF 389 KB

To consider the joint report of the Director of City Development and the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment on how the Council can respond to new approaches to protecting and enhancing biodiversity in Leeds that have been brought about by the Environment Act 2021, including setting up a Habitat Banking Vehicle for the Council, which would enable direct investment in strategic nature recovery. 


Additional documents:


The Director of City Development and the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a joint report presenting details to the Board on how the Council could respond to new approaches to protecting and enhancing biodiversity in Leeds which have been brought about by the Environment Act 2021. The report proposed the principle of establishing a Habitat Banking Vehicle (HBV) for the Council, which would enable direct investment in strategic nature recovery.


By way of introduction to the report, the Board received details of the relevant requirements arising from the Environment Act 2021 and how the proposals within the report responded to those requirements.


Responding to an enquiry raised, assurance was provided that in line with Government guidance and the Council’s draft Local Plan Update the delivery of the biodiversity net-gain would be onsite wherever possible. Regarding sites where this was not possible and off-site biodiversity was delivered, it was noted that the Council’s draft Local Plan Update emphasised that this should be within the locality where possible.


Emphasis was placed upon the importance of this issue and Members extended their thanks to officers for the proactive work which had been undertaken in developing such proposals.


In response to a further enquiry regarding the potential involvement of Parish and Town Councils, it was noted that there was the opportunity of working in partnership with other stakeholders so that their land could potentially be included within the HBV process.



(a)  That the principle of establishing a Special Purpose Vehicle (a Habitat Banking Vehicle (HBV)) be approved so that the sale of habitat units can be undertaken by the HBV in line with the Environment Act 2021;


(b)  That approval be given to delegate the necessary authority to the Director of City Development and the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment regarding the establishment and operation of the HBV, in consultation with the City Solicitor, Section 151 officer and the Executive Members for ‘Sustainable Development & Infrastructure’ and ‘Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Space’;


(c)  That it be noted by Executive Board that an annual report will be provided which details the performance of the HBV for the previous financial year and which presents the future plans for the next financial year.